Friday, June 08, 2007

Mouse Report

I'm sad, and happy to report that we have caught one mouse in the kitchen so far. Happy because....well no one wants a side of mouse poop with their dinner.....and sad because we had to break down and buy glue traps. I had a claw trap out with peanut butter in it and the little buggers licked all the peanut butter out but did not set off the trap!! I HATE glue traps because the mice are not killed instantly. The sweet little guy we caught last night was still valiantly trying to free himself this morning. I hated to see him suffering, but what else can we do?

On a nicer note - we ate dinner outside and a beautiful little dove sat on the edge of our roof and watched us eating the whole time. She was beautiful:)


Anonymous said...

Sorry you're having mousey problems. Living near a neighbor with some issues with outdoor clutter and across from a wildlife area we tend to have some mice in our garage every once in a while. For snap traps we mix the peanut-butter with bird seed and they can't just lick it off anymore... works really well for us.

Monique said...

I wonder if there is something else??? Those buggers are so sly though...

Anonymous said...

a cat. although, they tend to want to bring the mice inside to play with, so you have to watch out for that.