I have received so many wonderful things the last few weeks and I have been remiss about posting them. Mostly, I have not been home during the day to take semi decent pictures of all these goodies:):)
Vallen sent me a wonderful box stuffed with treasures - she even included a flower pin, jar and mini pincushion that she made. Thank you so much my sweet friend!

Teresa of MaggieGraceCreates sent me these two dishclothes after I commented how lovely they were. They are one of my absoolute favorite shades of green:):) Thank you my dear!

I participated in an ATC swap on swap-bot - the theme was polka dots and spots. "I CU" is the one that I sent out and the other three are the ones I received. Aren't they cool?? The flower one is even from another NM crafter! She lives about an hour south of Albuquerque. I am not doing too many swaps on swap-bot anymore - but I still like to do the occassional ATC swap.

Look at what my sweet sister, Ryalin, sent me for my birthday!! I burned the candle yesterday and it smells fabulous! Remind me one day to tell you about her nickname and how she got it:):) Thank you Rye bread!! (that's the G-rated nickname....I need to tell you about the PG-13 rated nickname)
Regina sent me a pair of her awesome flip off earrings....they are the COOLEST!! She also sent a hair pin and a lovely notecard. Thank you so much!

These are the goodies I received for my June flickr fat quarter swap...if you are not part of this group and you love fabric you need to go join!!! I can't wait to make something with these lovely green fat quarters.

While Miss S was at her art class yesterday I took advantage of my free time and ran to Goodwill. I found a few really fun things....including this "make your own paperweight" still in the box from Hallmark. I wasn't quite sure what the price was though....it had no less than 14 price stickers on it.

I've started collecting vintage travel plates for the states I have been to. Goodwill prices them high - usually about $3.99 but I've found several that were the color of the day. Thrift Town prices them at $1.99 which is even better when they are the color of the day. Here are the 4 most recent ones I have found.
Florida and Texas:

Washington and Washington DC:

I know I have a couple more but I can't quite remember where I put them.
So now that you've made it to the end of this incredibly long post I think I'll have two giveaways today instead of just one to reward you:):)
First up - a darling little pincushion I made using the Heather Bailey tutorial in the latest issue of Quilts and More - the one featuring the fabulous Miss
Monica on the cover:)

Up next - a VERY cool cigar tin. I found 5 of these at Goodwill for .39 each and I just couldn't resist. The design on the tin is so cool.

Leave a comment and I'll announce the winner on Tuesday!