Sunday, April 29, 2007
Only two more days....
Spring Fling Swap Goodness!!!

Here's what I sent Lucy....
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tag Me Baby!
Go to Google and type in "raesha needs" then just copy the silliest lines and respond:):) Of course, if you do it, replace "Raesha" with your first name:):)
So I did a search for "Rae needs" since that's about the closest thing to my name that I could find a hit on:)
1. Rae NEEDS green hair. Raesha responds: OH NO!!! Hubby remarked that he really could see my grey yesterday, but I don't think he meant I should dye my hair green! I'm thinking maybe red:)
2. RAE needs to be seen in a long term perspective about the funding of research.
Raesha responds: I don't know how I'd like being seen in a perspective
3. Three Words Rae Needs to Say. "
4. Rae needs no introduction to professional trainers. Raesha responds: Hmmm....not sure what to say about that one:)
5. Rae needs stuff for her wall! Raesha responds: Most definitely! Especially when it's stuff made by all your sweet lovely ladies!
6. You wouldn't think Rae needs a boost in that area. Raesha responds: Let's just say I DID have a breast reduction, so I CERTAINLY did not need a boost in THAT area:)
7. What Rae needs is good home cooking, sponge baths and a session with the blues. Raesha responds: I can definitely go for some home cooking, and how about a sponge bath by David Duchovny...I can't think of any blues singers right this minute though, probably because I'm so distracted thinking about that sponge bath:):)
So there you have it:)
I tag:
Mary Ann
Mary Ann
And whoever else would like to participate!
Leave a comment if you do so we can go check out your post too:)
Monday, April 23, 2007
Thank yous!!!
Now on to the thank yous. Almost nothing makes me happier than good mail:) Here's a few of the things that came this week. I try to stagger my swaps, but three arrived this week alone:)
This fabulous box is from Jodi and is for the Flick Seasonal Swap group I belong to. The theme was flowers and just look at all this beautiful floral goodness.
This little packet of goodies arrived from Em a while ago and I have been remiss at posting a thank you to her:) :) Some lovely beads, papers, envelopes and ATC card backs and other atc goodies. Thank you sweet em!!
My First Aid Kit Swap arrived from brand new swapper - Liz. Everything was beautifully wrapped and I love everything! Her theme was kind of a get well, feel good first aid kit:):) I love it:) Can you believe this was her very first swap?
Lastly, here's the inside of my 5 Senses Swap package that I teased you with a day or two ago. There was also an adorable stuffed bird that chirped (sound) that Miss S took off with as soon as I opened it. The rest is - scented soap (scent), lovely yarn (touch), boxed chocolates (taste), an amazing wired bird next with a delicate egg and feathers (sight). This is also going to work with me so I can look at it all day:) On the top of my work bookcase I have a lot of the little arts and crafts so many of you have made for me to keep me company:):) and to remember that I am loved when my boss makes my days really horrible.
My Cuppa Tea Party + Swap
They were the perfect, charming peeps for my tea....they didn't mind that I only talked about myself, or bat an eye that I dumped almost 1/2 cup of sugar in my tea:) The sweet Chickadee also joines us- she was made for me by my partner in the "swap" portion of the tea party - the fabulous Jennifer Conway from Canada. She was also as charming as could be. I tried one of the teas Jennifer sent - Tazo Wild Sweet Orange and BOY was it delicious! It was made all the more delicious by the little tea cup and saucer I bought specially for the tea party. It's a Homer Laughlin pattern and was thrifted for only $1.98. I wish I had time to have a little tea party like this everyday.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
A Swapping We Will Go
I have been a lover of papercrafts for about 20 years…cards, scrapbooks, tags – you name it, I love it. SO for this swap I want to celebrate my love for TAGS.
Here are the details:
Make/decorate 10 tags and get 10 different ones back (I'm hoping we have at least 10 players:)).
Minimum size of your tag should be 2 inches by 4 inches. You can make them larger if you want, but please no smaller than that.
You can purchase tags to decorate or make your own. As for me, I’m partial to the office supply shipping tags like this one pictured here.
Sign ups will close on
Deadline for the tags to be mailed to me is
Please include a return address label and 3 first class stamps (be sure to send the new rate USPS stamps if you are in the
In the next few days I’ll try to post links to various decorated tags for inspiration.
Email me at raeshadrz at yahoo dot com to sign up and for my address.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Makes Me Smile
It has been a nice week - other than Monday - my heart and prayers go out to everyone at Virginia Tech. My week was nice mostly because my boss has been out of town all week so everyone's not on pins and needles at work. Secondly, because we have a new paralegal at work that is outrageously gay and he has added quite a bit of spice to work this week:) He really makes me laugh, which I haven't been doing much of at work lately.
SO here today are a few things that make me smile: (in no particular order)
1. My brother:) He just reenlisted for another four years and his tour in Iraq has been extended 90 days so he won't be coming home until November. I am so proud of him and his service to our country. I'm just sorry this picture is so pixilated (I have no idea if I spelled that right)
4. New crafting supplies (I just ordered a whole bunch today from Oriental Trading Company's most recent scrapbooking catalog)
5. My Mary Jane crocs. I bought these last month when my Beaner was visiting from WA and I think I have neglected to show them off:) I can't wait to get another pair:):)
7. This show - I kid you not, my dear friend from college, John, is the spitting image of Dwight and acts just like him too (well not really but more often than not)

So let's hear it...what it making you smile these days?
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sending Goodwill to Mozambique
Kelli is awesome and is organizing this wonderful project. Please email either of us for more information or for Kelli's address to send the bags too.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Lazy Sunday Part 2
And Mary Ann!!! Spoiler alert (read no further if you want to be surprised:))
I finally finished her fabric challenge projects and these really were a challenge. I had NO idea what I wanted to do with this fabric - it's a white stretchy type fabric with really faded flowers on it. I added the stripes of the floral fabric and ended up making a wall hanging organizer (each white trimmed pocket is divided into three sections), a little pillow and a pouch. I really like how the organizer turned out. I used bias tape to edge it all to add a little color to it. So Mary Ann, I hope to get this in the mail to you this week:)

Lazy Sunday
Here's what I've finished so far:
I am ALMOST done with Mary Ann's fabric challenge goodies so I hope to have photos of those projects before the day is over. So until then, I hope you are having a lazy Sunday as well!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I love k8tykat
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Easter!!!
We had a lovely, lovely day...and I hope you did too:) Here's Miss S and I all dolled up and ready to head off to church.
We watched Eragon this afternoon (a treat for hubby from the Easter bunny) and it was excellent - I highly recommend it. I crocheted (started AND finished) a scarf during the movie for a Christmas gift for and I think I am finally going to join the Christmas in Progress group:):)
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Inspiration and Easter Egg Hunts
I loved the design so much that it inspired this tag...I made 5 of these)
then the tag inspired this collage....(I made two of these)
I took Miss S to an Easter egg hunt at a neighborhood down the road today - imagine our surprise when we opened the garage door and it was SNOWING!!! I couldn't believe it. We normally have crappy weather for Easter, but we haven't had snow at Easter for years and years. Here's Miss S and her two little pals, Hannah and Noah, all ready for the hunt. It was a zoo (all the city ones are) and each of them only got one egg. My friend was clever enough to bring a few eggs filled with candy for each of them. Tomorrow we will our own little egg hunt with Miss S, Hannah and Noah, and their cousin. We have 80 eggs stuffed and ready to go so each of them will get 20 eggs:)
Friday, April 06, 2007
What's Cookin! For Miss S

Wednesday, April 04, 2007
What's Cookin! Apron Swap
I've signed up for several more swaps in the month to come and I'm looking forward to each and every one of them!!
Also - I've finally added lots of links to my sidebar...I realized last night that some of my nearest and dearest friends were not featured! I you notice that I have your link wrong, please let me know. Have a great Wednesday!!!
Happy Happy Birthday!
Love you Em and hope your day is wonderful!!!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Stars and Stripes Forever
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Happy Sunday!!
I made these litte pages yesterday for a "color" themed chunky book swap I am participating in. I really like how they turned out...and you all know that green is one of my favorite colors:)
And look what I made with one of the fat quarters from Mary Ann. Miss S was invited, very last minute, to a birthday party (the mailed invitations went missing so her mom started wondering what was up when two days before the party no one had rsvp'd!!) so I whipped up this little marker holder. It was the first one I made so I know what to change next time. But the recipient loved it and that's all that matters:) I love that when this book is filled up you can move the marker holder to a new book:)
Check out what sweet Moki did with a charm I made her - it originally had a chain like the one you see here. AND welcome back to Moki...she started a new craft blog that is destined for greatness!!!
On the schedule today....make 4 little stuffed bunnies for Easter presents (and possibly more if they go together quickly). I'm using this fantastic tutorial from Missy - I'll make the pillow too probably for Miss S. Finish up a wall hanging quilt I am quilting for Miss S's Kindergarten class, laundry, vacuum, AND pedicures:) My friend's sister is coming over to the house to give me and Miss S pedicures in about 1/2 hour:) What's on your plate today?