Saturday, November 03, 2007

Happy Hippie-ween!!!

Our theme at work for Halloween was the 70's - here's a bunch of us decked out in our 70's finest. Peace, love and happiness ruled the day. My co-worker, Jennifer, (next to me in the big afro) won the costume contest. She looked fabulous!

We had a big pizza lunch and bobbed for apples in the back parking lot. It was nice to party a little bit during the midst of our busy work day.

Miss S and I went trick or treating that night....I took this picture as we were heading out the door. She got so much candy! She is really good at only eating a couple pieces a day so it will last her until at least Christmas as long as Hubby and I stay out of it:)

And I carved this cool pumpkin - I think I saw the idea in an old Martha Stewart to turn the pumpkin on it's side and have the stem be the witches nose. It was super fun and quick and easy:)

Today was our annual craft day at church - called Super Saturday. Here are two of the crafts I made.
A nativity puzzle...this was supposed to be a gift but I love how it turned out so I am so tempted to keep it!! Or maybe it will be a gift for Miss S instead of the original recipient I had in mind:)

And decorated blocks..I used pattern paper on the rest of the sides and a picture on one side. I made 4 at the church and brought home 6 more to work on. I wish Super Saturday was every month! It was so nice to eat a great lunch, craft, and visit with my sweet friends all day.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a great time was had by all.

Jodi Ohl said...

That's so cool you all dressed up in a theme for work!! Looks like everyone had fun--love your costume :)

Meg said...

I love the navitiy puzzle! Very cool idea!

Roxanne said...

Looks like you've been having fun lately! Loved your costume :)

Kami said...

I love all the costumes! I've always loved the 70s. :)

It's funny that you did a witch pumpkin like that! I did pretty much the same thing! haha!

Cool puzzle and blocks. I really like the nativity puzzle idea--I've never seen that before, it's so cute!

maggiegracecreates said...

Love the nativity puzzle. I have several nativities (may have to feature them through Christmas) and 2 of may faves are puzzle types like this.

Have a great day.