Miss S's school had a special celebration on Friday for Veteran's Day - each class was visited by two veterans and they had lots of fun activites throughout the day. The kids created these veteran's walls (this is one of three) and if you look really closely up at the top right...
you'll see the stars Miss S created for Uncle Ian and Uncle Rick - she did these all on her own with no help from Mom or Dad and was so proud at how they turned out.
Saturday night at church we had a special Veteran's Day concert. Miss S sang in the children's choir and I sang with the adult choir. I was really worried because I've had a scratchy throat all week, but I had no problems (must have been all those pleading prayers:)) We also had two special memorial walls....here's Uncle Ian again (SORRY Ian! I don't think I got the dates of service right!) The concert was very cool - we had about 150 attendees.
To all our veteran's - THANK YOU!!!!!!
I didn't know Miss S was singing too. How wonderful! I'm so glad your throat was nice and clear... I would have loved to had heard you sing. Why is it not on YouTube?????
I love what Miss S did for Ian and Rick - and all on her own. That's a heart sweller for sure!
Thank you guys so much for sending such an amazing amount of love and positive energy my way while I was overseas. You have no idea how special that still makes me feel :`] You guys are, undeniably, the best!
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