I came across The Mother's Day Project through another blog - I wish I remember who. You can read all about the project here.
The soldier's name I received was Carrie L. French...she was killed on June 5, 2005. Just 19 years old...and she brought back sweet memories of another fallen 19 year old. There is a beautiful webpage about Carrie that really touched my heart. She sounds like she was an amazing woman...teenager really. I chose green embroidery floss for her name so that I could share my favorite color with her.
Please go read about the project and help if you can.
Raesha, I went to sign up for this project immediately. Being the spouse of an Active Duty Air Force member, this really hit home for me. Thanks for writing about it and getting the word out to more people.
Oh Raesha! I'm so glad you posted about this. I just went and signed up for this. Talk about being called!!! As a vet myself... and as an Active Duty spouse... and the mom of an AF vet... I was called. I heart you for ringing my bell. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Thank you Raesha for letting us know about this project. I've signed up.
Thanks R. for the link. My name is on its way to me to be embroidered.
Raesha, I first clicked on the link to read about Carrie French. I cried and remembered joining the army reserves during peace time at the same age she enlisted. I remember being frightened of the unknown and even the possibility of war breaking out. I thought of her giving the ultimate sacrifice in service to her country before she had even had a chance to really live. Then I went to the Mothers Day Project blog site and felt completely awestruck by this project. I don't know how to sew, but I want to participate. I have a little booklet that shows some basic embroidry stitches step by step so I am going to sign up. Thank you for sharing this. I want to put one of their buttons on my blog, but I don't know how. If you do and you can find a spare minute, please send me and email.
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