Today I mourned the passing of my sweet friend, Michael. We went to junior high and high school together in Silverdale, Washington. We met when I was in 7th grade - he was in 8th. After he graduated he joined the Marines and married before heading off to boot camp. His unit was deployed to Saudi Arabia and we all wrote him letters and sent pictures and packages. In late January of 1991 I received a call from my best friend to let me know know that Michael had been killed in action in Desert Storm. It's been 16 years and I cry every January for him. I cry for his wife - we have no idea what happened to her as she did not want to keep in touch with his friends - I cry for his young life that ended at age 19, I cry for a dear friend that was lost. I pray that I will NEVER see a resolution again like this with the name of a loved one in it.
So today - this is for Michael - I love you and I miss you.
By Senators Craswell, Owen, Oke, Rasmussen, Johnson and Skratek
WHEREAS, Marine Lance Corporal Michael E. Linderman, Jr., formerly of Silverdale, Washington, died an American hero on the sands of Saudi Arabia on January 29, 1991; and
WHEREAS, Michael fell in battle, fighting to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind: Peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law; and
WHEREAS, Michael believed that America has a unique responsibility to do the hard work of freedom, and that he, in turn, had a duty to do that work on behalf of his country; and
WHEREAS, Michael lived a short, rich life, that ended at age nineteen. He loved books, he loved the rain, and he loved his friends and family;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate hereby honors Michael E. Linderman, Jr. and prays that his family will find some solace in his heroism and sacrifice in the service of his country; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Senate hereby expresses its unequivocal support for United States military personnel in the Middle East and prays for their personal safety and their families' peace of mind; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the family of Michael Linderman, Jr. and to the President of the
I, Gordon A. Golob, Secretary of the Senate, do hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Senate Resolution 1991-8608, adopted by the Senate
Secretary of the Senate
And for another dear one - to my sweet John - my high school sweetheart - who died on January 22, 1992. Your death still affects me so much. I wonder who I would be today if you had lived. John loved Metallica, though he learned to also love Paul McCartney after we met:)
So, John, this one's for you -
anniversaries of this kind are so difficult. what a nice way to honor your friend. big hug!
*hugs* It's always hard losing the people we love but it's nice that you keep their memories close.
thank you for sharing their stories and honoring their memories with us. hugs. xo
Sorry to hear about these sad anniversaries. They do continue to live on though when you share them with us. Thank you. Big Hugs from Minnesota!
my thoughts are with you R. I wish I was there to take you out for a margarita!
I cried today as I read your post. I remember us living in Virginia and how hard it was to watch you unpack the care package you sent him. It was returned from the Middle East unopened by him.
I have watched units leave and units come home. I cry with the wives who's husbands leave and cry for those who's husband returned this weekend after being in Iraq over a year. Whether we agree with our role or not, our troops need to know what they are doing is not in Vain. I NEVER want our troops to feel how the soldiers felts coming home from Vietnam. I NEVER will take for granted the sacrifice of those who have gone before us.
Michael, you will NOT be forgotten.
Michael was my cousin, he was just three years younger than myself and we grew up together. I can completely understand your loss, but it's wonderful to know that his memory lives on and that his life, however brief made a difference in someone else's.
Thanks for posting this!
By the way, you'd be interested to know that his little sister Brianne is married now and expecting her first child, a boy she plans on naming Michael. :)
Hi, I'm Michael Sr, thank you for remembering. Michael's 36th birthday was the 21st of June. God bless
My Name is Brian Floee - Mike was my best friend while I attended Kitsap High as an exchange student in 1987/88.
I've been trying to find him on the internet for the last 10 years, and only received the awful news of his death today, Thursday the 5'th of feb. 2009.
It's been a strange day - I always "knew" we would meet again and pick up our friendship where we left it back when I went back to Denmark.
I was always spending time with Mike during and after school, when he was in the 11'th grade. Christine Rose Anas, Mike and I were the best of friends and I simply can't believe that I will never see Mike again.
I don't know how to express what I'm feeling right now, if anyone want to get in touch with me in regards to Mike, please do so at fatherfigure@mac.com
Of all sad words by tounge or pen
the saddest ones are these:
it might have been.
I always felt like you saved my life Mike
but I'll never get a chance to thank you.
Your friend forever
Brian Floee
Eldorado Hills 1988
I don't know why I decided on this day to look up information on Michael? He just entered my mind. 20 years have almost passed since I first meet Michael. It was at the Military enlistment offices on our way to MCRD San Diego, CA from Seattle, WA. Michael was the first friend that I met upon entering the Marines from Sequim, WA. I am certain that we stayed up half the night at a SeaTac hotel room talking about what brought us to make such a big decision in joining the Marines. We both were excited in anticipation of what would certainly be a life changing experience. We made our way through basic training with few issues. We talked many times during those three months. It was just over a year later that I remembered hearing of his death. What a sad day that was. He was a bright person, a great friend & my only wish was that we could have reminisced together about our later experiences once we parted ways. I am certain that he was a good Marine as much as he was a friend & family member to all of you who posted on this board. I just wanted to let everyone who might find this know that Michael touched another life & he is also not forgotten by myself.
Take care all......
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