I have always been fascinated with Alcatraz...not sure where that came from...but ever since I can remember I have wanted to visit there and read everything I can about that notorious prison. I found this book today at a garage sale for 25 cents...imagine my surprise when I started reading it and found that it was inscribed by the author!! A real life, Alcatraz inmate. SOOO cool! Anyway, the book looks to be great.

I too am fascinated by Alcatraz! It's a crazy place. Check it out if you ever get the chance. I think the audio tour is well worth it. There was a woman signing her book the day I was there (this is several years ago). Her father was one of the wardens (during the great escape, no less) and she grew up on the island - what a strange childhood that must've been!
An inmate / author signed book from Alcatraz for 25 cents! That's almost as good as the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible I got for 50 cents!
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