Finally! I get to show off some of my treasures from last week, and a few brand new ones:)
Moki said it best....I never garage sale with a list...I just like to look for treasures. Last weekend I found some great ones.

One of the sales we happened upon was run by two sweet elderly women. I bought a hankerchief, a bag of vintage gloves, a bag of painted eggs, cool strawberry ribbon and the best thing I bought all day - a VERA BRADLEY bag!!! Isn't it awesome! It was only $2.00 and the grand total for everything here was only $8.00

The first sale we stopped at had a ton of crafting and sewing stuff, but I restrained myself:) Total for everything here was again about $8.00.

Today Miss S and I went to the Earth Festival in Rio Rancho (the next town north of Albuquerque). Part of it was a community yard sale and we found lots of fun stuff. My best find was these 6 quilting books at a both run by a married couple. Four are even signed by the authors! Grand total was $2.00!!!! (Hint to self...always ask the husband for the price on crafting books:)) I'm sure his wife is kicking him. I was prepared to pay at least $1.00 per book so I was doing a little happy dance to get all 6 for $2.00. The Small Talk book in the front is all miniature quilts - some even as small as 6 inches square!

I also found this darling tin full of sewing supplies for $1.00. Coupled with two finds from Thrift Town - a bag of zippers for $.99 and a bag of buttons for $2.99 and my notions supply is restocked:)

Now for the "made" treasures:) I am participating in two softie swaps...remember one of my goals for this year is to stretch my creativity:) These are only the fifth and sixth softies I have ever made and I am so excited at how they turned out. I used the free pattern from
Crafty Carnival. The only change I made was instead giving them a coffee bath, I gave them a tea bath, since I had tea and no instant coffee:) The skirts are made from some fabric scraps I bought last weekend at the garage sales. I am so in love with these sweet girls and it will be hard to send them away to new owners, but I have plans to make a few more. They only took about an hour each start to finish (well not including the drying time from the tea bath:))
On my to do list tomorrow is clean, clean, clean. I've neglected housework all week as I was busy crafting most every night:) I needed it though as I was in a foul mood all week. I even started crying in a client meeting when my client asked if I was feeling okay. Not cool!! But he's been a client for years and we know each other well. We had a good laugh at how hard life has been lately (he's in the midst of a horrible divorce). So I'm hoping next week will be better and I think reducing the clutter around the house will help a little bit.
They are sooo cute! You did such a good job! I'm in a softie swap too...that's not a stretch for me tho :) Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh I'm thrilled for you excellent thrifting mojo with all the craft supplies!! Especially the books and all the sewing supplies in the tin!
Your softies are sweet, you did a wonderful job with them. I'm sure your new owners are going to love them!
I am with you on the cleaning tomorrow. The "Maid" must have quit this week because she sure hasn't lifted a finger around here! I guess now, it's up to me to dance with Mr. Clean and tackle MT WASHington!;)
Reasons you stink:
1. You scored at RR's yard sale and I forgot all about it
2. The thrift town score!!!
3. You should call me when you feel like crap and we'll grab Nikki and find the closest thing to a chippendales show and feel much least for an hour or so ;)
I'll see you tomorrow...sleep well
Oh you are so taking me garage sale shopping with you when I get out there if I have to bride you or hide in your trunk!!!!! I can’t believe that you found a whole bag of gloves!!! I have been looking for some for my customs for months! See I am meant to be in NM even the garage sales are calling to me!!!!
Great garage sale finds, I didn't go out this weekend, bad cold, so it is so fun to see what others found. I am so jonesing for one!
Awesome haul.
The softies are adorable.
The dolls you made are simply adorable! I took a look at your profile... my gosh I thought I was busy LOL!
Hope things feel better tomorrow :)
Laura Lynn
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