Thursday, November 30, 2006
And a Thank You
Finally - a Beatle-esque post

My boss ALMOST autographed a piece of paper and was going to take it out to George while he was eating lunch outside and tell him, I hear you have a shortage of autographs and I wanted to give you one of mine.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
My Sweet Baby

Sunday, November 26, 2006
One More Crafty Post
So - here's what I did!!
I added a crocheted scalloped edge on them, and a little pick button to make them a little more fitted. I also added a little stitch to make them more like fingerless gloves, rather than just wrist warmers.

My Long Weekend...
Anyway - here are some of the projects I worked on:) I worked on others but they are gifts for friends that frequent this blog so NO pictures of those for now:)

Here is Miss S - oops that pajama top is almost revealing more than it should:) The picture is really to show you the store bought holly garland that I embellished to say "Merry Christmas" - I simply stamped the individual letters on premade tags I had, then tied them to the garland with red organdy ribbon. So is a closeup so you can see the letters a little better.

And finally, I finished my ornaments for Amy's ornament swap. I am also making these for another holiday ornament swap I am in so I have about 10 more of these to make. They turned out really well and I hope whoever gets one in the different swaps I am in will like them:)

I wrapped presents and have 9 packages ready to go to the post office tomorrow!! Once those are mailed that will leave me with only two packaged to finish up and mail off before Christmas. It really sucks having NO family in New Mexico so I end up mailing so much stuff. I am also working on some Christmas goodies for my blogging friends and our family Christmas cards. Moki took the picture and I LOVE IT!!! See a preview below:) I love to send and receive Christmas cards so if you would like me to add you to my Christmas card list, just send me a quick email at raeshadrz at yahoo dot com with your snail mail address:):)

Saturday, November 25, 2006
Holy Cow!!
I crafted a bunch yesterday and I will be taking pictures today to show you everything I have completed:) Happy Saturday!!!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Black Friday
Thanksgiving was wonderful! I hosted for the first time in about 4 years and we had a full best friend, Carla, her hubby and two kids, her mom and dad, her sister and her aunt, my hubby and Miss S, and two of our best friends, Frank and Dave. I love Carla and her family. Since Hubby and I have no family in New Mexico, they have literally adopted us and I cannot remember the last holiday that we did not spent with them. Hubby deep fried the turkey and it was delicious. Everyone brought a couple dishes and we enjoyed a marvelous feast.

Here's a kind of blurry picture of most of us:) Miss S and I both had the stomach flu earlier this week so I was thankful that we both healed quickly:) However bad the stomach flu is, it's a great way to lose 5 pounds two days before Thanksgiving!
Before the stomach bug hit me I did a little Christmas gift crafting on Sunday before and after church. I finished another Christmas apron, and added these appliques to a pre-made apron for Miss S. She loves to help me cook so now she will have her own apron to wear:)

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and if you are a power shopper on Black Friday, good luck!! (Carla left her house at 4:30 this morning!!)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Count Your Blessings
Driving home today I started thinking about how excited I was for this 4 day Thanksgiving weekend...and that led me to thinking about one of my absolute favorite hymns from church...
When upon life's billows
You are tempest tossed
When you are discouraged
Thinking all is lost
Count your many blessings
Name them one by one
And it will surprise you
What the Lord has done
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your blessings
See what God has done
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your many blessings
See what God has done
Are you ever burdened
With a load of care
Does the cross seem heavy
You are called to bear
Count your many blessings
Every doubt will fly
And you will be singing
As the days go by
When you look at others
With their lands and gold
Think that Christ has promised
You His wealth untold
Count your many blessings
Money cannot buy
Your reward in heaven
Nor your home on high
So, amid the conflict
Whether great or small
Do not be discouraged
God is over all
Count your many blessings
Angels will attend
Help and comfort give you
To your journey's end
Name them one by one
Count your blessings
See what God has done
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your many blessings
See what God has done
1. My Family - we are spread out across this entire country and even the world with Ian in Iraq, and I don't get to see any of them nearly as much as I would like, but not a day goes by that I am not thinking of one my family members. I am especially grateful for Hubby and Miss S who bring joy to my life everyday and love me even with my many faults.
2. My Faith - I don't talk about my faith very often...I try not to be one of those people that shove their religion down your throat...but my faith is very special and sacred to me. I am grateful to know that I am a daughter of God.
3. My Friends - Each one of my close friends are special to me in their own way. Tammy knows me inside and out and she is one of those friends that you can just sit and "be" with - the kind where you don't have to be talking constantly. Carla helps me keep it real. Moki stretches my creative side. For each of these women, and many others like them in my life, I am grateful.
4. My Job - For as much as I b**tch and moan about my job I am grateful that I have a job doing something that I love, that I am paid well, and that my husband is able to go to school full-time due in large part to my good job.
To each and one of you, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
What a riot!
![]() |
'What will your obituary say?' at |
I've had a semi productive day - I cleaned the kitchen and the pantry, bought the last few remaining T-day groceries I will need, started my T-day cards to send to a few friends, and even wrapped a few presents. I cannot, however, get in the mood to craft which is extremely frustrating as there is so much I want to do! I did come up with some cute little gift tags. Once I started wrapping presents I realized I had no idea where my Christmas gift tags were. I used my label maker in Word, added a little clip art Santa, and voila - Christmas gift tags! Feel free to use them yourself - I created them to print out on Avery 5160 labels which I literally have thousands of.
Friday, November 17, 2006
My "Sick" Day

This is part of the envelope from Cathy - she decorated it with several lovely drawings - I love her style:):) Now my Hubby really thinks I'm crazy because I've started keeping decorated envelopes:)
What's on your agenda this weekend? I have Christmas ornaments to sew, several presents to start (and hopefully finish), put together some Thanksgiving goodies for Miss S's class and teachers, clean the pantry, finish laundry, make some birthday and thank you card samples for a class I am teaching at church, try to organize my sewing area so I actually have room to work on aforementioned ornaments and presents, give the three crazy dogs a bath, and watch 5 taped episodes of Nip/Tuck.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Never Forget
Ron Becker - Navy, Vietnam - my step-dad
Happy Veteran's Day

Oh man, I'm barely through the title and I'm already teary eyed. Veteran's Day holds a very special place in my heart this year with my brother being in Iraq. I went to my ATC group this morning and our theme was "quotes" - this was my favorite....and was very appropriate for Veteran's Day:
A price is paid so that others may have life and dwell in peace, happiness and freedom.
If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them.
Ray Terry - Air Force, Vietnam - my dad
Grandpa Terry - Navy, Korea - my paternal grandfather
Grandpa Holguin - Navy, WWII - Hubby's maternal grandfather
Opa de Ruiter Zylker - Air Force, WWII - Hubby's paternal grandfather
Michael Linderman - Marines, Gulf War (KIA) - my dear friend from high school
Rick Hughes - Navy, Guantanamo Bay - my brother in law
Ian Terry - Army, Iraq - my brother
Swap and Craft Goodness

I started my Christmas ATCs for Amy's swap...and in the process came up with this gem which I think will be just perfect. I am also participating in her ornament swap and I will do the same general design just in fabric in a little 4 x 4 inch quilted square for my ornament. I hope to make a few extras for my own personal gift giving as well. O Tannenbaum has always been one of my favorite carols:)

So now it's your turn...what Christmas crafting have you been up to??
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Good Karma

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Here is a pic of my Red and Black Swap from swap bot - my partner did a great job in picking out items for me - fabric, notions, bracelets, santa mug, and other assorted little goodies:) The little guy in the middle is a red devil that says "whenever you kiss me my toes curl up" - too cute!

My Swap bot secret sister revealed herself to me - thanks Christine! Here are most of the goodies she sent me in 4 different packages. Everything is perfect! She included some Hello Kitty stamps and stickers for Miss S - don't tell her though as I might keep the stickers for myself:):)

Thursday, November 02, 2006
More Japanese craft goodnes...
I have a wonderful new friend named Dawn that I met through Moki's initial swap and when she found out I am starting to collect Japanese craft books she offered to get me one anytime when she is in Seattle...this delicious book arrived from her yesterday - the picture is not too clear but it is Heart Warming Life Series ISBN 4-529-04018-6. I borrowed this book from Moki over the summer and fell in love with it - thank you Dawn!! And the check is in the mail:):):)

The next piece of goodness arrived today from Michelle in Texas who was my partner for the Swap-bot Wish List swap I participated in. I was so touched that she chose this book for me and ordered it...what an awesome gift. It is entitled Linen Handiworks for Everyday Use and the ISBN is 4-8347-2403-4. It is filled with tons of beautiful projects!! Thank you so much Michelle.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Happy Halloween...a day late!!

Cloth Paper Scissors