Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Summer of the Book

I really focused on reading this summer. Not only because I had been missing it, but because it was a good influence on Miss S and because my stack of books to read is about to topple over. And that's just the stack next to my bed...there are three more bookshelves packed to the gills in the garage.I seriously read probably ten books this summer but of course these are the only two that come to mind right this minute:

Totally heartbreaking love story.

Great read!! The movie was great, but the book was SO much better!

And I'm halfway through this one:

I'm loving it so far! And I found a vintage MtAoFC at the thrift store the day after I started reading it! Of course I bought it:) That reminds me of something funny my brother said when we were in Vegas. I don't remember what we were talking about but I said something like "Oh I love vintage _______ (I don't even remember what I said)" and my brother, Chad, Mr. Always So Quick on His Feet said "Umm you love vintage anything." Touchee Chadwick!


Very Mary said...

Well you tell Mr. Chad that you are not alone in your love of vintage!

Ryalin said...

Oh, I wish I could read. But, Rick won't let me read!!!