Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy Feet

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Happy Birthday You Sexy Silver Fox! MAKE IT WORK!

Can’t decide how to celebrate the Project Runway aficionado’s birthday? Here are a few easy ways to pay homage to the God of Sophistication and Style.
10. Don’t be afraid to turn people down. Try a polite but firm: I would refuse.
9. Feel worried. Feel woeful. Share your feelings.
8. Be honest. If your friend’s dress looks like a coffee filter or a maxi pad, tell them, "your dress looks like a coffee filter or a maxi pad.”
7. If you are over 40, do NOT wear horizontal stripes. And while you’re at it, donate those pleated pants and double-breasted blazers to Goodwill. If you can’t do it yourself, do it for Tim.
6. Don’t let anyone question your authority. Repeat after Tim: “Do I even have one iota of doubt? No. Not one iota.”
5. It is always a good time to have a caucus. Try walking into a bar, folding your hands together, and announcing “everyone, gather around.” If you don’t have an actual announcement, give hugs.
4. At least six times today, wander into an office room and tell your employees to carry on.
3. Be prophetic, with a tinge of doom. Tell a few strangers in an elevator, “Live like there is no tomorrow. Because for one of you, there won’t be.”
2. Always look very concerned. If someone asks you what’s wrong, step back, purse your lips, and say, “I’m concerned.”
1. Whatever you do today, make it work. Even if it’s not working, or it ran out of batteries. Today you have no excuse.
Monday, July 28, 2008
I Hate My Job
It's my interpretation of Summer...a little green patchwork with daisies. All that's left is to finish sewing the binding, the yo-yos and the buttons. (Don't worry - the buttons won't be all caterwonky when I sew them down:)) I like how the yellow binding all the yellow buttons add a little pop to all the green.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I bought the little flower pin at the same sale - also a quarter. All the rest of the jewelry was in a baggie for $4.00 at another garage sale. Two necklaces, several pendants, a sterling silver ring and about 10 pairs of earrings. Several are sterling silver...not a bad deal!
These little flowers are growing through the fence in the backyard...
And this beautiful honeysuckle bush is actually in our neighbor's yard, but it hangs over our fence. I love to watch the hummingbirds feed on it...
Miss S lost her first top tooth tonight after dinner. She's quite the scraggle tooth right now. I asked her to smile pretty and this is what I got...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Afghan Love
A little snippet of this afghan appeared in a photo I posted a few weeks ago and I was kindly asked to blog about it:)
Isn't it a beauty? The perfect size for snuggling on the couch in the winter. And the colors make me so happy. $2.99 at my local Savers.
Miss S and I had a garage sale this morning. Miss S made $13 selling bottled water and cookies and I made about $80 - it's going straight to the Las Vegas fund. Best part was I packed up nearly EVERYTHING that was left, other than a bag of clothes to take to a friend at work and a couple things for my niece and it all went to Goodwill without a second thought and without all the worry I normally have that "I spent good money on that crap, why am I just giving it away?"
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Skirt in Action

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Holy Patch-Work
SO back to my thrift store finds and the title of this little post. I found a gallon sized bag full of vintage patches.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I Love Me Some Durango
Miss S in her top bunk at the cabin...
We had a yummy dinner at Steamworks on Saturday night...
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
MORE winners!!!
Laura J and Carrie
for winning my birthday and blogaversary grand prizes! Congratulations ladies - I'm so excited for you both!!!!! And today is even Carrie's birthday!! Pop on over to her blog and wish her a happy birthday:) Please email me your addresses at raeshadrz at yahoo dot com. Laura, I'm pretty sure I have your address somewhere but please send it to me again:) THANKS!! And thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and birthday and blogaversary wishes. I appreciate you all so much and each and every comment is such a joy and so much fun to read. I'm slowly responding to as many as I can so please be patient with me: )
Monday, July 14, 2008
It's A Mystery

Or how about this dress....

The mystery was solved when I finished reading the catalog and noticed that it was addressed to my fairly new neighbor. Now I'm debating whether to take her the catalog, or keep it for myself:) Holy geez...I just noticed it's 11:16 pm and I should have been in bed over two hours ago. Only one more day to leave a comment on my birthday and blogaversary grand prize post! I'll draw the two winners tomorrow evening.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
NOW on to the current winners:
The winner of Giveaway #5 (atc series) are:
Lady Bracknell and Jenny from Fated Follies Studios!!
The winner of Giveaway #6 (stickers) is:
Brenda from It's All Good
Please email me at raeshadrz at yahoo dot com with your snail mail addresses and I'll get these gifties in the mail to you!!:) CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
My Life
Front view: (i have the front up in a little clip)
Back view:
Side view: (reminder: sit up a little straighter when covertly taking pictures of yourself in your office:))
My boss keeps the office at about a cool 60 degrees...she's been having hot flashes for about 6 years now. I wear my little grey sweater almost everyday at work.
I did take it off for a few minutes today to show of my outfit....another episode of thrift style:) Merona top and Gap skirt...both from the Goodwill in Santa Fe and both about $3.00 each.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
1. Where is your cell phone? cupholder
2. Your significant other? gaming
3. Your hair? up
4. Your mother? work?
5. Your father? heavenly
6. Your favorite thing? love
7. Your dream last night? weird
8. Your favorite drink? soda
9. Your dream/goal? SAHM
10. The room you’re in? office
11. Your church? Mormon
12. Your fear? without
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? SAHM
14. Where were you last night? patio
15. What you’re not? patient
16. Muffins? Chocolate
17. One of your wish list items? order
18. Where you grew up? Silverdale
19. The last thing you did? walk
20. What are you wearing? pjs
21. Your TV? off
22. Your pets? three
23. Your computer? chugging
24. Your life? busy
25. Your mood? calm
26. Missing someone? Tammy
27. Your car? Subaru
28. Something you’re not wearing? chapstick
29. Favorite store? Target
30. Your summer? Durango
31. Like(love) someone? everyday
32. Your favorite color? purple
33. Last time you laughed? today
34. Last time you cried? recently
35. Who will repost this? you
Leave a comment if you play so I can read all your fabulous one word answers too:)
Monday, July 07, 2008
A day late (more like three or four)
At least the bed is made. I asked Miss S to sit on the bed and pose cute and this is what I got. Kind of bride of Frankenstein, accompanied by her belly up stuffed turtle.

Now THAT'S What I Call a Giveaway:)
Up first - we have my birthday grand prize giveaway - a little Longaberger basket full of sewing goodies, vintage and new....I'll throw some other goodies into the box too:)
And my 2nd blogaversary prize - more sewing goodies, a creative memories photo holder, a darling apron pattern, and again, I'm sure some more goodies will make it into the box:)
Leave a comment to be entered and I'll draw a couple of winners probably around the 15th.
And here's a couple pics from my birthday party - thanks Moki!! Moki brought me a disc with all the pictures she took at my party. I was totally excited about that cause I took a whopping three photos during the whole party, which I then accidently deleted from my memory card....
Saturday, July 05, 2008
What the Heck??? And some Lion Love
I bought a bag of scrap fabric at the thrift store last week just to get this little piece of lion fabric I could see peeking out.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy Independence Day!!

We celebrated today with a bbq with my brother, Shay, and his family. The kids went in the hot tub, had a water balloon fight, had a water gun fight, and we all ate until we all about exploded, and in general had a lovely day together. I'm sure everyone will sleep like a ROCK tonight!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Mini Wardrobe Challenge
I really am participating in Stephanie's Mini Wardrobe Challenge....and here's proof...
I've made two skirts this last week using the skirt pattern in the Sew U book - I love them! I have two more cut out and ready to be sewn. Super quick and easy. I wore the daisy like one to work last week, and the black one to church on Sunday. I could totally imagine wearing one of these type of skirts everyday.