What a beautiful day today. Church really strengthened my testimony of the resurrection and its importance in our lives. I hope your day was lovely as well. The Easter bunny brought us lots of goodies, and my brother, Shay, came and had Easter dinner with us.
Miss S looked lovely in the skirt I made for her - she happily whirled and twirled for me.

I love the blooms on our trees in the front yard.
I participated in
Jessica's Easter swap and I received some AWESOME goodies from my partner,

She made these quilt squares and the little softie for me - he is SO soft!

Yes, the robin's eggs are already opened:)

And here's the package I sent her - isn't it funny that we sent each other a lot of similar items and colors?? How fun. Thanks for hosting such a fun swap, Jessica!

Enjoy the rest of your Easter! We sang one of my favorite Easter hymns at church today (I select the music for Sacrament meeting so I did that on purpose)...
He is risen!
He is risen!
Tell it out with joyful voice
He has burst his three day's prison
Let the whole wide earth rejoice
Death is conquered, man is free
Christ has won the victory
Come with high and holy hymning
Chant our Lord's triumphant lay
Not one darksome cloud is dimming
Yonder glorius morning ray
Breaking o'er the purple east
Symbol of our Easter feast
He is risen!
He is risen!
He hath opened heaven's gate
We are free from sin's dark prison
Risen to a holier state
And a brighter Easter beam
on our longing eyes shall stream