Thursday, May 31, 2007
Glad That's Over With!
Thank you so much for all the wonderful good wishes and prayers! The interview went really well and now I just have to wait for a call for a second interview, or the letter saying thanks but no thanks:)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Introducing Charlie

Wish me luck, and some prayers if you are so inclined...I applied out of the blue for a different paralegal position with an insurance defense firm. I have an interview tomorrow. My tummy is all full of butterflies, but I'm very hopeful. I saw the ad in the paper on Sunday, and while I have not actively been looking for a different job, I just kept thinking of this ad over and over again. I had a bit of insomnia Monday night so I spiffed up my resume, drafted a cover letter and emailed it it for consideration at about 3:00 a.m. I was finally able to go to sleep after I finished. I figure Heavenly Father was trying to tell me something if I just could not stop thinking about it. SO now I just have to pick out the perfect outfit:)
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The Tags Have Left the Building
Today was an excellent first day back at work after the long weekend. I had a trial today so I only had to spend about 2 1/2 hours actually in the office. The attorney and I took our client out to lunch, then had a 3 hour trial, then went out for dessert and sodas. As stressful as trial can be, today was very nice. We even got out of court a little early so I was able to go to my favorite post office location downtown and I'm happy to announce that all tag packages are on their way!!! The post man that helped me was absolutely delightful. I knew him from another location and he had just transferred to the downtown location. There was not a single word of complaint as I mailed out 3 packages, 6 envies for my Good Mail club (dang I need to find that link to post for you all) and 17 packages of tags that all had varying amounts of postage on them. Anthony gets the Mail Man of the Year award in my book:)
SO...without further are pictures of the tags. I was blown away by the creativity of all you wonderful participants!!
I am about to fall asleep, but I was so excited to show you these pictures! If I labeled your tag incorrectly, please let me know as I want to give proper credit as you totally deserve it! I was thrilled to death to have 19 participants. I'll be editing this post in the next day or two with all the links to all the wonderful partipants so you can pop on over to their blogs and share the love with them! You all were so generous with some wonderful hostess goodies too which I can't wait to share with you. But now, seriously, I'm about to fall asleep:)
SO...without further are pictures of the tags. I was blown away by the creativity of all you wonderful participants!!
I am about to fall asleep, but I was so excited to show you these pictures! If I labeled your tag incorrectly, please let me know as I want to give proper credit as you totally deserve it! I was thrilled to death to have 19 participants. I'll be editing this post in the next day or two with all the links to all the wonderful partipants so you can pop on over to their blogs and share the love with them! You all were so generous with some wonderful hostess goodies too which I can't wait to share with you. But now, seriously, I'm about to fall asleep:)
Monday, May 28, 2007
Busy Little Beaver
I have so many wonderful projects to show you that I finished this weekend:) That's what I love about three day weekends....especially this one where I had not a single committment, except for church yesterday morning. I had time to clean, organize, play with Miss S, hang out with hubby, and craft to my little heart's content...other than that blasted headache that I had yesterday. But I worked through the pain and have lots to show off!! And probably a record number of posts in one day:)
A fresh pile of tissue holders. I love to have these on hand for little gifts and goodies.
I'm going a little doll quilt crazy. Though mostly cause I'm trying to use what I have and not necessarily that I am jumping on the doll quilt bandwagon:) In 1999 I participated in a Y2K swap where you sent 25 - 2.5 x 2.5 inch squares to enough partners until you had 2000 different squares. These squares have been sitting in a beautiful Longaberger basket ever since:) I had grand plans for a huge quilt that showcased them all but I know that will never happen so I've decided to make a bunch (and I mean a whole bunch) of little quilts with them. These ones will all be presents for various loved ones.

I am SO pleased with how this little friendship one turned out - I had been told by several people that you can't print fabric on a laser printer. After a little more research it turns out that you CAN print fabric on a laser - it just is not washable. Well, this is going to be a wall hanging so it doesn't need to be washable. I love the look of the "honor" that I embroidered above, but I love the laser printed "friendship" too - there are so many possiblities for both! I have 4 more tops pieced and ready to be finished.
And what's Memorial Day without a little slip n slide action with Miss S trying out her new swimsuit:)
A recap:
Laundry - check
Sewing - check
Swap tags for my swap - check (these should be mailed tomorrow)
Work on goodies for several swaps - Check
Clean the kitchen - Check
Clean my desk - half a check since I am halfway done
Clean master bathroom - check
Send out some Good Mail - check
Relax - check
Get rid of 50 items - check, check, check!!
All in all a highly productive, and happy weekend (minus the headache and a few random bits of extreme grumpiness).
A recap:
Laundry - check
Sewing - check
Swap tags for my swap - check (these should be mailed tomorrow)
Work on goodies for several swaps - Check
Clean the kitchen - Check
Clean my desk - half a check since I am halfway done
Clean master bathroom - check
Send out some Good Mail - check
Relax - check
Get rid of 50 items - check, check, check!!
All in all a highly productive, and happy weekend (minus the headache and a few random bits of extreme grumpiness).
Memorial Day
He loves his country best who strives to make is best.
-Robert G. Ingersoll
-Robert G. Ingersoll
This quote struck me today asI remembered Memorial Day and all that it represents. It is so appropriate for those that do good in this I know many of you strive to do.
For those who have lost their lives fighting for what is good and right, we love you, we remember you, your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Fiber Arts Fiesta
I took the afternoon off work on Thursday and went to the Fiber Arts Fiesta for a few hours. There were so many beautiful things to see!! My favorite was the quilt exhibits. This beauty here was made by my friend Donna. Each piece of fabric is a selvedge edge showing the name of the fabric and the manufacturer. What a cool idea.

This quilt caught my you can't guess why?

This one was also made by a friend, Louise. It is completed hand appliqued. The detail is gorgeous and amazing. Both Louise and Donna are in my local atc groups so I am thrilled to own little pieces of art by both of them:)

The vendor part didn't really turn me on. There were about 60 vendors there - fabrics, felting, quilting, knitting, crochet, lacemaking, beading, dollmaking, and everything else in between. Absoutely nothing really jumped out at me. There was one booth were fat quarters were $1.50 so I got the four fat quarters on the right - a cool floral, green, yellow, and dia de los muertos. I also bought a yard of the Japanese kitty fabric and a pattern for a mini flag quilt. Then I bought two fabric postcards from a friend manning the NM Quilters Association booth. I took $150 with me to spend and came home with $120.00. I was happy though. I've already used the green and yellow fat quarters. I am trying so hard to use what I have. Espeically since the price of Miss S's daycare doubles for the summer. It will be a tight three months.

I have been having a wonderful weekend. I truly feel like I have accomlished more the last two days than I have the last 6 months. I have been sewing up a storm and cleaning like crazy. I have my pile of 50 things to give away from Lain's challenge. I can't wait to show you pictures later today of all the junk leaving my house, and pictures of the projects I have finished. I was sidetracked for a little while yesterday with a massive headache. Even 2 migraine pills did not take the edge off of it. So I took a sleeping pill at 8:15 and went to bed. I just got up at about 9:00 and I feel great. Less you think I'm a junkie, I only take sleeping pills when absolutely necessary:). My RX of 30 of them has lasted me since December and I still have about 10 left. Miss S and I are going to lunch with hubby, hopefully hitting a neighbors garage sale on the way....then back home to finish up some of the sewing projects I started yesterday.
This quilt caught my you can't guess why?
This one was also made by a friend, Louise. It is completed hand appliqued. The detail is gorgeous and amazing. Both Louise and Donna are in my local atc groups so I am thrilled to own little pieces of art by both of them:)
The vendor part didn't really turn me on. There were about 60 vendors there - fabrics, felting, quilting, knitting, crochet, lacemaking, beading, dollmaking, and everything else in between. Absoutely nothing really jumped out at me. There was one booth were fat quarters were $1.50 so I got the four fat quarters on the right - a cool floral, green, yellow, and dia de los muertos. I also bought a yard of the Japanese kitty fabric and a pattern for a mini flag quilt. Then I bought two fabric postcards from a friend manning the NM Quilters Association booth. I took $150 with me to spend and came home with $120.00. I was happy though. I've already used the green and yellow fat quarters. I am trying so hard to use what I have. Espeically since the price of Miss S's daycare doubles for the summer. It will be a tight three months.
I have been having a wonderful weekend. I truly feel like I have accomlished more the last two days than I have the last 6 months. I have been sewing up a storm and cleaning like crazy. I have my pile of 50 things to give away from Lain's challenge. I can't wait to show you pictures later today of all the junk leaving my house, and pictures of the projects I have finished. I was sidetracked for a little while yesterday with a massive headache. Even 2 migraine pills did not take the edge off of it. So I took a sleeping pill at 8:15 and went to bed. I just got up at about 9:00 and I feel great. Less you think I'm a junkie, I only take sleeping pills when absolutely necessary:). My RX of 30 of them has lasted me since December and I still have about 10 left. Miss S and I are going to lunch with hubby, hopefully hitting a neighbors garage sale on the way....then back home to finish up some of the sewing projects I started yesterday.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
A Very Late Weekend Recap
FYI - my mail FINALLY came on Saturday at 5:45 pm! Isn't that crazy? It was worth the wait though cause my mailbox has literally been overflowing the last couple days with packages of tags from my swap participants. WOW!! I can't wait to take pictures of all the tags together and show off the creations by a talented bunch of sweet ladies:)
This weekend was nice and low key. Hubby and I were invited to a Murder Mystery Dinner on Saturday night with several dear friends. This was our first time attending something like this and we had an awesome time! Even Hubby enjoyed himself and he can be quite antisocial sometimes since he works retail:) Hubby's character was a gunslinger and mine was the town madam:) I thought our costumes turned out awesome:)

I love that I'm the chubbiest girl here and the ONLY one that's not pregnant!!! Thanks to awesome Moki for the great pictures:) I've been wearing my hair curly the last two weeks - what do you think? My friend's husband said I look "sassy" - I guess that's better than frumpy:)
This weekend was nice and low key. Hubby and I were invited to a Murder Mystery Dinner on Saturday night with several dear friends. This was our first time attending something like this and we had an awesome time! Even Hubby enjoyed himself and he can be quite antisocial sometimes since he works retail:) Hubby's character was a gunslinger and mine was the town madam:) I thought our costumes turned out awesome:)

Friday, May 18, 2007
Kindergarten Reminiscing
I took today off to spend a few hours in Miss S's classroom for her Kindergarten graduation ceremony and party. It was so sweet! The kids treated us to about 10 songs that they have learned throughout the year and boy, just about every song brought tears to my eyes. I can't believe Miss S has finished Kindergarten. School officially gets out next Friday, but all of next week is makeup for snow days so the kids will just be playing and having fun all week.
Here's Miss S and some of her buddies. Yes, I think she is the tallest girl in her class.
And here they are boogeying while singing us a song.
Packages of tags have been arriving daily for my tag swap and I am SO impressed with them all!!! Today my mailbox is mysteriously empty so I'm just hoping the mail man is running really late....nothing makes me sadder than an empty mailbox:( Well that's an overstatement but it really is bummer to not even get a single piece of junk mail.
I had an afternoon of crafting and cleaning planned, but I'm exhausted so I'll think I'll take a nap while Miss S watches Scooby Do.
Packages of tags have been arriving daily for my tag swap and I am SO impressed with them all!!! Today my mailbox is mysteriously empty so I'm just hoping the mail man is running really late....nothing makes me sadder than an empty mailbox:( Well that's an overstatement but it really is bummer to not even get a single piece of junk mail.
I had an afternoon of crafting and cleaning planned, but I'm exhausted so I'll think I'll take a nap while Miss S watches Scooby Do.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
I was surprised with these two wonderful gifts...

A beautiful bracelet made by Miss S and a gift certificate to the spa!!! WOW! Hubby said he knew I would enjoy it and it's a gift that doesn't create any clutter:):)
Happy Mother's Day to you all!! To each of you - thank you for being a wonderful part of my life. Thank you for your kindness, your inspiration and your love.
A beautiful bracelet made by Miss S and a gift certificate to the spa!!! WOW! Hubby said he knew I would enjoy it and it's a gift that doesn't create any clutter:):)
Happy Mother's Day to you all!! To each of you - thank you for being a wonderful part of my life. Thank you for your kindness, your inspiration and your love.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Could it be any hotter in here?????
Our thermometer this afternoon - yes, that's 85 degrees outside and 83 degrees inside!!! That makes for one very crabby mama!! Sweet hubby hooked the swamp cooler up as soon as he got home from work so it is already cooler in here and I am already much happier:)

Miss S brought these two lovely Mother's Day gifts home yesterday and said I HAD to open them right away. This first picture is part of a tea pot - taped to the back is a little bag of tea. Isn't that so sweet!!! And so true:):)
If you can't read the picture it says:

The second part of her gift was an adorable painted pot with a little seed in it:) I hope I can get it to grow. I definitely do not have green thumbs.

Yes, I cried:)
Miss S brought these two lovely Mother's Day gifts home yesterday and said I HAD to open them right away. This first picture is part of a tea pot - taped to the back is a little bag of tea. Isn't that so sweet!!! And so true:):)
If you can't read the picture it says:
I will try my best
in every way
to be extra sweet
on Mother's Day
but if you become
upset with me
Please relax and have a cup of tea.
in every way
to be extra sweet
on Mother's Day
but if you become
upset with me
Please relax and have a cup of tea.
The second part of her gift was an adorable painted pot with a little seed in it:) I hope I can get it to grow. I definitely do not have green thumbs.
This isn't just an empty pot
there's something you should know
inside the pot there is a seed
that just like me will grow
The plant that grows will someday bloom
and remind you of the seed so small
but without your love and tender care
the seed wouldn't grow at all.
Thanks for helping me grow!
there's something you should know
inside the pot there is a seed
that just like me will grow
The plant that grows will someday bloom
and remind you of the seed so small
but without your love and tender care
the seed wouldn't grow at all.
Thanks for helping me grow!
Yes, I cried:)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Birthday Boy
Monday, May 07, 2007
Is It Friday yet?
We had a very nice, leisurely weekend and I just did not want it to end. We had dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant - Hot Tamales - on Cinco de Mayo. I usually get a combination plate since I like it all:) I had a red chile beef enchilada, chicken guacamole taco and chile relleno with green chile sauce. YUM!!! Have I told you before that I could eat Mexican food everyday??? I was able to do a little crafting, a little cleaning (emphasis on little) and a little movie watching. We watched Employee of the Month and it was really funny. Next up on our NetFlix list is The Notorious Bettie Page.
Miss S received a wonderful package today! I think she is as addicted to swapping and I am. She has made a wonderful friend in Mary Ann's daughter, C. C and Miss S chose Summer Fun as their theme for this swap. Sydney really made out like a bandit:)
Here she is surrounded by her own swappy goodness:) I think she will be busy all summer with these wonderful goodies.

She told me this evening "I have a boyfriend"....uh - oh....nonchalantly I said "who" and she answered "Daddy":):) What a cutie.
Miss S received a wonderful package today! I think she is as addicted to swapping and I am. She has made a wonderful friend in Mary Ann's daughter, C. C and Miss S chose Summer Fun as their theme for this swap. Sydney really made out like a bandit:)
Here she is surrounded by her own swappy goodness:) I think she will be busy all summer with these wonderful goodies.

She told me this evening "I have a boyfriend"....uh - oh....nonchalantly I said "who" and she answered "Daddy":):) What a cutie.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
National Scrapbook Day
At thirty minutes to midnite I actually completed a layout in honor of National Scrapbooking Day. So many of my other crafts have come first lately and I have done little to no scrapbooking for the last few months. I have piles of pictures and memorabilia piling up so I better get busy. I'm hoping to make little 6 x 6 albums for all the grandparents for Christmas this year so this is the first official page for those albums. Super simple, but cute nonetheless:).

And I finished my Mother's Day gifts while Miss S and I watched Hannah Montana on Disney Channel - quilted potholders. Again, super simple, but cute nonetheless:)
And I finished my Mother's Day gifts while Miss S and I watched Hannah Montana on Disney Channel - quilted potholders. Again, super simple, but cute nonetheless:)
Treasues...Bought and Made
Finally! I get to show off some of my treasures from last week, and a few brand new ones:) Moki said it best....I never garage sale with a list...I just like to look for treasures. Last weekend I found some great ones.
One of the sales we happened upon was run by two sweet elderly women. I bought a hankerchief, a bag of vintage gloves, a bag of painted eggs, cool strawberry ribbon and the best thing I bought all day - a VERA BRADLEY bag!!! Isn't it awesome! It was only $2.00 and the grand total for everything here was only $8.00
The first sale we stopped at had a ton of crafting and sewing stuff, but I restrained myself:) Total for everything here was again about $8.00.
Today Miss S and I went to the Earth Festival in Rio Rancho (the next town north of Albuquerque). Part of it was a community yard sale and we found lots of fun stuff. My best find was these 6 quilting books at a both run by a married couple. Four are even signed by the authors! Grand total was $2.00!!!! (Hint to self...always ask the husband for the price on crafting books:)) I'm sure his wife is kicking him. I was prepared to pay at least $1.00 per book so I was doing a little happy dance to get all 6 for $2.00. The Small Talk book in the front is all miniature quilts - some even as small as 6 inches square!
I also found this darling tin full of sewing supplies for $1.00. Coupled with two finds from Thrift Town - a bag of zippers for $.99 and a bag of buttons for $2.99 and my notions supply is restocked:)

Now for the "made" treasures:) I am participating in two softie swaps...remember one of my goals for this year is to stretch my creativity:) These are only the fifth and sixth softies I have ever made and I am so excited at how they turned out. I used the free pattern from Crafty Carnival. The only change I made was instead giving them a coffee bath, I gave them a tea bath, since I had tea and no instant coffee:) The skirts are made from some fabric scraps I bought last weekend at the garage sales. I am so in love with these sweet girls and it will be hard to send them away to new owners, but I have plans to make a few more. They only took about an hour each start to finish (well not including the drying time from the tea bath:))
On my to do list tomorrow is clean, clean, clean. I've neglected housework all week as I was busy crafting most every night:) I needed it though as I was in a foul mood all week. I even started crying in a client meeting when my client asked if I was feeling okay. Not cool!! But he's been a client for years and we know each other well. We had a good laugh at how hard life has been lately (he's in the midst of a horrible divorce). So I'm hoping next week will be better and I think reducing the clutter around the house will help a little bit.
Now for the "made" treasures:) I am participating in two softie swaps...remember one of my goals for this year is to stretch my creativity:) These are only the fifth and sixth softies I have ever made and I am so excited at how they turned out. I used the free pattern from Crafty Carnival. The only change I made was instead giving them a coffee bath, I gave them a tea bath, since I had tea and no instant coffee:) The skirts are made from some fabric scraps I bought last weekend at the garage sales. I am so in love with these sweet girls and it will be hard to send them away to new owners, but I have plans to make a few more. They only took about an hour each start to finish (well not including the drying time from the tea bath:))
On my to do list tomorrow is clean, clean, clean. I've neglected housework all week as I was busy crafting most every night:) I needed it though as I was in a foul mood all week. I even started crying in a client meeting when my client asked if I was feeling okay. Not cool!! But he's been a client for years and we know each other well. We had a good laugh at how hard life has been lately (he's in the midst of a horrible divorce). So I'm hoping next week will be better and I think reducing the clutter around the house will help a little bit.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
A Little Crafting
WOW!! We have 20 participants in my Tag Swap - I'm so excited to see what everyone makes:):)
I've been able to do a little crafting this week - I finished up my March and April projects for my CIP group - I joined late so I have a little catching up to do:):) Here are the scarves I made for two sweet little girls and two rough and tumble little boys.
For May I will be working on finishing two partially completed table runners:)
I also finished my pages for the BookArtz group I'm in through yahoogroups. The theme this month was purple and green, and I guess I have peace love and flowers on the brain:) I already have plans to do something similar as an atc. It's kind of simple, but I really like how it turned out.

Did I tell you that Saturday I got to spend several wonderful hours with Moki going to garage sales? I found some absolute treasures!! However, hubby has been home every night this week so most of them are still in the back of my car:) I hate having to explain to him just why I needed another bag, or another book, or more fabric, or just why the hell did I buy that piece of crap??? (He's not really that bad - but I know that's what he's thinking:)) So it's much easier to take pics and put stuff away while he is gone:) This Saturday I plan on doing just that - I can't wait to show you the deals I scored!
I've been able to do a little crafting this week - I finished up my March and April projects for my CIP group - I joined late so I have a little catching up to do:):) Here are the scarves I made for two sweet little girls and two rough and tumble little boys.
I also finished my pages for the BookArtz group I'm in through yahoogroups. The theme this month was purple and green, and I guess I have peace love and flowers on the brain:) I already have plans to do something similar as an atc. It's kind of simple, but I really like how it turned out.
Did I tell you that Saturday I got to spend several wonderful hours with Moki going to garage sales? I found some absolute treasures!! However, hubby has been home every night this week so most of them are still in the back of my car:) I hate having to explain to him just why I needed another bag, or another book, or more fabric, or just why the hell did I buy that piece of crap??? (He's not really that bad - but I know that's what he's thinking:)) So it's much easier to take pics and put stuff away while he is gone:) This Saturday I plan on doing just that - I can't wait to show you the deals I scored!
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