If you can't tell - this is supposed to be a little lamb:) I made it using the free lambkin pattern at www.patternbee.com. It turned out ok - I really like the fabric I used, but I didn't stuff the nose enough. Oh well - not too bad for my first attempt at a softie. I loved making it but I definitely will only do bigger softies in the future. This little guy is only about 5 inches square.
Miss S and I just got home from almost an hour and a half at the brand new Hancock Fabrics that opened by our house. They were having a huge grand opening sale. All notions were half off, 80% of the fabric was $1.37 a yard and McCalls and Butterick patterns were $.99. I tried to contain myself though and only spent about $40.00. I will be making two pillows, two sets of pajamas, and two outfits for Miss S, a skirt for myself, and I bought a bunch of stuff for the Ribbon Swap and Polka Dot Swap I am doing through Swap-Bot.
I constantly feel guilty after shopping as my house is already crammed to the gills. Shopping just makes me feel GOOD though!! I've decided to start a new link here where I will post thrift store or other goodies that I no longer want or have room for that I will be offering for trade. I'd love to trade for fabric, notions, ribbon, or handmade cards. I'll start taking pictures this weekend and posting the first round of items by Sunday. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is one of my mottos!