Tuesday, November 01, 2011

NaBloPoMo #1

Welcome to National Blog Posting Month!!! I'm going for it this year....posting everyday in November! Woohoo!!!

You're in for lots of....recipes, crafts, quotes, random thoughts...it will be fun!!
Occassionally I'll be following the prompts listed on the NaBloPoMo site - today's prompt is -
What is your favourite part about writing?

Ok - first of all I LOVE that they used the English spelling of favorite. My favorite part of writing is getting all those thoughts out of my head. My mind is spinning constantly and it's rare that I have a still quiet moment. In fact, most nights I take a sleeping aid because I just cannot get my brain to turn off. Writing really helps - I can get those thoughts down on paper and clear up some of the clutter in my mind. I know most of what I have to say is of no great profound interest but my writing is about ME and my family and my loves and my life. So it's important to me. At times I treat this blog just like a journal - sharing my hopes and fears. Other times it's just a fun place where I can share a cool song, quote or craft that I found. I'm not writing for fame or fortune (though that would be nice) - I'm writing for myself. And I guess in a round about way that IS my favorite part of writing. Putting a little bit of myself out there for others to see.

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