Wednesday, November 30, 2011
NaBloPoMo #30
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
NaBloPoMo #29
Monday, November 28, 2011
NaBloPoMo #28
My first picture of my Daddy as a missionary!!
My Dad and Step-Mom made it safe and sound to the area where they will be serving – Labasa, Fiji – after about three days of travel. It was a LONG plane ride, an overnight ferry trip and a long car ride to finally make it from Henderson, Nevada to Labasa, Fiji. OH yeah – my dad’s the white guy on the right J
Sunday, November 27, 2011
NaBloPoMo #27
Saturday, November 26, 2011
NaBloPoMo #26
Friday, November 25, 2011
NaBloPoMo #25
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
NaBloPoMo #23
I am thankful for my talents. To my Granny for teaching me to crochet, to my Mama for teaching me to sew, for Sister Eads and Sister Wright for teaching me to play the piano and especially for the love, support and encouragement from friends and family to strengthen and expand my talents.

I crocheted this darling little ear muff while watching Flying Wild Alaska with Hubby a few nights ago. It's going to be a Christmas present but I had to model it first:)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
NaBloPoMo #22
I am so thankful for music - hymns, country, rock and roll, folk, broadway, classical. But I'm especially thankful for my boys, The Beatles. Kind of odd to be grateful for them you think? All the good things in my life have an associated Beatles song, so whenever I listen to their music I have happy memories.
Monday, November 21, 2011
NoBloPoMo #21
I am so thankful for my home. A warm cozy place to rest my head and to store all my crap. In March we will celebrate 12 years in our home and next month I celebrate 25 years of being in Albuquerque. I have grown to love the Land of Enchantment. It took several years of longing for my hometown in Washington before I finally fell in love with the desert. The clear blue skies. The subtle greens hidden in the brown. The laid back attitude. Being a minority in the ethnic soup here. I love it.
(Have you seen the new Starbucks city mugs?? LOVE them!!!! So far I have New Mexico and Las Vegas. I need a Seattle one - anyone want to send me one and I'll send money?)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
NaBloPoMo #20
Today I am grateful for abundance. Always enough food, shelter, clothing. I have never wanted for anything in my life and I am so blessed for that. I know for so many just meeting their everyday needs is a struggle. Not only do I have an abundance but I always have choices. And whether that choice is to eat a big green leafy salad with low fat ranch or to eat red chile cheese fries and a chile relleno hot dog (like I did last night) I am grateful to have choices. With always having an abundance also comes the responsibility to share that abundance. This holiday season I will focus more on sharing my abundance and spreading my blessings to others. Will you join me?
(And yep - this is a pic of my supremely delicious dinner last night.)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
NaBloPoMo #19 Take Two
NaBloPoMo #19
Absolutely tops on my list is my family. I am so grateful for the love and support these two give me. My sweet Miss S and my handsome Hubby.
Friday, November 18, 2011
NaBloPoMo #18
Thursday, November 17, 2011
NaBloPoMo #17
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
NaBloPoMo #16
SO... Happy birthday to my darling Mr. Fu Manchu today. He's two years old today and is an absolute angel baby. We love you Mr. Fu!!!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
NaBloPoMo #13
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
NaBloPoMo #11
Thursday, November 10, 2011
NaBloPoMo #10
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
NaBloPoMo #8
This week's Mini Mission Mondays are:
Monday – Be realistic ~ Declutter an item of clothing today that no longer fits, is probably never coming back into fashion or really never suited you.
Tuesday – Be courageous ~ Declutter and item that someone else gave you that you are only keeping out of fear they may notice it gone.
Wednesday – Be generous ~ Donate something today that you are considering selling. It is quicker to donate anyway.
Thursday – Be impulsive ~ Declutter an item today that you have never really considered for decluttering before. Go on - there is bound to be something you haven’t noticed that really is excess to your needs.
Friday – Be decisive ~ Find an object you have been procrastinating over decluttering for some time and get it out of there.
Saturday – Be brave ~ Declutter and item that you are keeping because “you may need it some day”. Take a chance that someday will never come, lets face it, it hasn’t come for years already.
Sunday – Be inquisitive ~ Take a look in a place that you haven't paid any attention to for a while and declutter one of the items in there that you obviously care so little about.
And one more word of advice ~ Behave yourself in the future and be discerning about what you bring into your home because what doesn’t come in won’t become clutter later on.
This week I decluttered my Thanksgiving decorations. I ended up donating about 10 things to Goodwill. A small start but a good one nonetheless. One thing that has really helped me is keeping a bag or box in the master bedroom so that anytime any of us come across something to donate it goes right in that box. Then almost once a week I drop the box off at Goodwill - it's right on my way home and super easy to just drop stuff off constantly. I find that the longer the box sits in my house the likelier one of us is to take something OUT of the box:) So if you accept this Mini Mission Monday my addition is to then take that box or bag to the thrift store first thing the following Monday:) Let me know how you do.

Monday, November 07, 2011
NaBloPoMo #7
I struggle with this constantly. As a full time working mother there are many days when Hubby and Miss S take a back seat, or I have a stressful day at work and they have to listen to me gripe. With Hubby still in school full time AND working full time that just adds an additional dimension to stressful days. We spend most of our time catching up with each other on the weekends. For example, this weekend Hubby had a class group meeting ALL day on Saturday. But as soon as he got home we went out for date night. Then Sunday I stayed home from church just to spend the day with him. Miss S and I spend a lot of time together and I really try to make sure that some of that time is "fun" time for us. During each school year we try to develop a couple rituals that are just for the two of us. This semester it's McDonald's Thursdays. Hubby has class until 9:30 p.m. on Thursday night so after I pick her up from her after school program we drive through McDonald's for $1.49 Happy Meals and head home to watch a movie and eat together.

Sunday, November 06, 2011
NaBloPoMo #6
Saturday, November 05, 2011
NaBloPoMo #5
Friday, November 04, 2011
NaBloPoMo #4
I completely prefer to use a computer. I am so much faster at typing than writing - especially when my thoughts are coming really fast. I use a computer all day at work and typing has just become second nature to me. However, there are few things that I love more than getting a long handwritten letter in the mail. My BFF Tammy loves to send me long handwritten letters and I usually get a couple a year from her which I absolutely cherish. I should make it a goal to write one handwritten letter a month to someone I love - what do you think? Wanna join me in that challenge????

Thursday, November 03, 2011
NaBloPoMo #3
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
NaBloPoMo #2
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
NaBloPoMo #1
You're in for lots, crafts, quotes, random will be fun!!
Occassionally I'll be following the prompts listed on the NaBloPoMo site - today's prompt is -
What is your favourite part about writing?
Ok - first of all I LOVE that they used the English spelling of favorite. My favorite part of writing is getting all those thoughts out of my head. My mind is spinning constantly and it's rare that I have a still quiet moment. In fact, most nights I take a sleeping aid because I just cannot get my brain to turn off. Writing really helps - I can get those thoughts down on paper and clear up some of the clutter in my mind. I know most of what I have to say is of no great profound interest but my writing is about ME and my family and my loves and my life. So it's important to me. At times I treat this blog just like a journal - sharing my hopes and fears. Other times it's just a fun place where I can share a cool song, quote or craft that I found. I'm not writing for fame or fortune (though that would be nice) - I'm writing for myself. And I guess in a round about way that IS my favorite part of writing. Putting a little bit of myself out there for others to see.