Grr.....I can hardly head is all stuffed up and I feel lousy. Well, not TOO lousy, but lousy enough that I'm still in pajamas. It's been a while since I've had a little show and tell so I'm going to try to catch up on that in the next few posts. And be sure to check back next week cause I have a little swap I'm going to be posting about. SO excited about that:)
I took Miss S to a birthday party on the other side of town yesterday and afterwards we hit the Goodwill Clearance center and the regular Goodwill next door. Miss S had never been to the clearance center with me and she was amazed. We scored these goodies for $3.50.

Hello Kitty purse, flag, Barbie cards, copper "Tea" tin, tin, green Gap hat and two needlepointed roses - these are big - about 18 by 18 and I think I might make them into pillows.

My two best finds from Goodwill - an REI vest for Miss S for $1.04 and a Japanese craft book for $1.99!!! Swoon!!! It's all bags and pouches - some are VERY unusual, like a squid zippered pouch. But I just could not pass it up.
Look at these cute stuffed kitties!

and these cool owl bags.

And sweet
Dawn sent me a wonderful package this week - just out of the blue - a "Happy Spring" package. Shells from the ocean, tape measure fabric (I've been lusting after fabric like that) a tape measure and some of her grandmother's crochet hooks - some are so tiny that you must be for crocheting thread. And a beautiful bag just for me:)

With a little pocket inside that says "Emergency art supplies". Thank you so much Dawn, I love it all:)

With the lousy week I had, it was such a treat to come home to something fun in the mailbox almost everyday....I love that about blogging!