Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My Day
6:15 AM get up for work
7:15 AM leave for work
8:05 AM arrive at work (the commute SUCKED today!)
12:00 PM lunch and a run to my favorite thrift store where all shoes, clothes and purses were half price!! I'm going back tomorrow with two co-workers:)
1:10 PM back to work
5:00 PM leave work, rush to pick up Miss S for her FIRST soccer practice
5:45 PM get to Miss S's school to pick her up and rush to the soccer field - she changes in the car
6:00 PM soccer practice starts
7:00 PM soccer practice ends
7:15 PM Visiting teaching
8:00 PM mad dash to McDonald's for dinner (semi-healthy - I had the Asian grilled chicken salad) Miss S had a Happy Meal - we now have 8 of the Star Wars Clones figurines
8:15 PM eat McDonald's at home
8:30 PM Help Miss S with her reading homework
8:45 PM get Miss S in the tub
9:05 PM collapse in bed
9:35 PM Hubby gets home from his first day of fall semester and gets me up to chit chat
10:14 PM Posting on my blog cause this day was too ridiculous not to share with you all:)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mini Wardrobe Challenge
Perfect print, perfect length, perfect a-line, perfectly me:) Introducing my third skirt for the Mini Wardrobe Challenge I am participating in. I told you I was going to make all skirts, didn't I! I finished the fourth skirt this weekend too - cut from my beloved Amy Butler fabric. I'll debut that one this week sometime.
But for now - enjoy this one:)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Shoes and a Scripture
I wore a pair of my favorite shoes to church today - I found them at a garage sale a couple months ago for just $2.00 - I love them:)
I want to share a scripture that has been coming to my mind over and over again the last several weeks. Currently my home is not really any of these things and I have been really troubled by that. A goal of mine is to work on every single one of these things. This scripture comes from the Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but I think it really applies to any faith.
Doctrine and Covenants § 88:119:
I'm in need of a little uplifting this week - if you have a favorite scripture, please share it:)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Fifteen Years Ago....
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Vegas in 141 words or less....
Sisterly bonding. We skipped out together on Saturday at got massages at a massage school by the resort.
Hubby and Miss S....I haven't seen hubby that relaxed in ages...
The Beatles store at the Mirage...I could have easily dropped 5 grand in this store.
Delicious desserts at The Cheesecake Factory...
Dinner at Margaritaville featuring Raesha's worst hair day of her life. We will never mention this hairstyle again.
Petting the Manta (is that how you spell that?) Rays at Shark Reef Aquarium...
Balls and her awesome hubby....who was sick again. It is physically impossible for this man to go on vacation without getting deathly ill. Luckily this trip he didn't end up in the ER, like normal. But we still love him.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Do you remember my bag-o-patches that I found at the thrift store?? 14 of you awesomely commented. And guess what? You're each getting a patch:)
Here's the fabulous comments.
Love you all!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Face Your Manga

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Another post?
SO anyhoo.....
I really limited my swapping this summer and I've been happy with that. I think I'm going to continue to do that for a while. Low pressure swapping is the best. I'd also like to do some more one on one swaps - so if any of you are interested in swapping craftiness with me, just leave me a comment:) I promise to reply to you probably sometime in the next 6 weeks:):) Seriously, I am so behind on my emails.
Two of the swaps I participated in this summer were a child's bag swap for my flickr Bag Ladies group and the Summer edition of the Four Seasons Quilt Swap.
Miss S received this bag and all these lovely goodies all the way from Chile....isn't the bag gorgeous!!! We both love it:) It was made by the lovely Mercedes from Chile.
And just look at this gorgeous doll quilt I received for the Four Seasons Quilt Swap!!! Oh my goodness!! Isn't it beautiful!!! This beauty was made by the talented Soo from NSW - is that New South Wales??? I think so.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Fun Meme
The rules: Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
What was I doing ten years ago?
1. I'd just graduated from college and was working as a paralegal.
2. I was also still working part-time at Wild Oats.
3. Hubby and I were celebrating five years of marriage.
4. We were living in a little two bedroom apartment with a crazy next door neighbor.
5. ??? Holy cow...I can't think what else I was up to that long ago!
What are five (non-work) things on my to-do list for today?
1. Get a gift card for a friend.
2. Start cleaning my desk.
3. Post on my blog.
4. Load pictures to Facebook - which keeps failing!!!!!
5. Take my car to Subaru cause BOTH my headlights burnt out at the same time.
Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Chips and salsa
2. Swedish fish
3. Grapes
4. Starburst
5. Cookies - freshly made.
5 Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Pay off all my debt and all the debt of my family.
2. Get a big plot of land and build an awesome house for my family with the hugest studio filled to the brim with crafy goodness.
3. Pay for college for all my nieces and nephews.
4. Donate a ton of money to charity.
5. Travel the world.
Places I’ve lived:
1. Silverdale, Washington
2. Oakton, Virginia
3. Albuquerque, New Mexico
4. Provo, Utah (Only for the first six weeks of my life)
5. Bellevue, Washington (we think we lived there for a couple years when I was a baby)
Jobs I’ve had:
1. Paralegal for Wolf & Fox, P.C.
2. Dance teacher at Sunshine Generation
3. Busser at Red Robin
4. Direct sales junkie - Close to My Heart, Beauticontrol, Tastefully Simple, Longaberger
5. Wild Oats - store artist, Customer service manager, cashier, marketing, front end assistant manager (not all at the same time:))
Thanks for tagging me, sweet Ann-Margret!!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Viva Las Vegas...
Have a great week!!!
I actually have two fav's. The first one is the Crater Lake. I've never been there myself but I love astronmy and its affect on our world as we know it. I even have a few pieces of metorite from Metor Crator in Arazona and a piece from Austraila. I also like the New Mexico one tha says "think trees" I love New Mexico and am happy to call it home again :)
How about the Yellowstone Park one? It's a classic!!
By the way, where is Bargain Box? Not to poach on your thrift store, but you get some neat stuff there.
Okay, I'm going to be greedy. I have a request for two and I promise to send you something fabulous in return.
I love the "Think Trees" patch and I'd love the Colorado patch for a bag for my brother.
And -- 20 pounds! WOWIE woman! That is so amazing. I am doing cartwheels with you and for you. bravo!
Oh, it looks like my favorite is also everyone elses too. Think trees - it's such a gorgeous color combo and beautiful design. Not to mention that my favorite places to go are where there are lots of trees. Other than that one, I like the Tombstone one because of the cowboy and Yosemite because it brings back memories of my high school trip there. :-)
Congrats on losing 20 lbs! That's great!!!
My favorite would have to be the Blue Ridge Mountains one from the top photo. That's where I grew up and since I've been transplanted here - way up north - it would be a nice reminder. The Man-Cub wants to enter too and his favorite is the Theodore Roosevelt Park Medora ND - where we vacationed last year. Thanks a bunch - I love all the old patches - The Man-Cub has a Cub Scout Patch vest with lots of patches on it.
What a great find! I've been to Glacier Nat Park, Rockport, and Carmel - all were great, especially the trip to Carmel. I even like the London and Tintagel Castle ones a lot - never been to either but would love to go!!
Congrats on 20 pounds, that is so AWESOME!! (I'm down 13, with about 27 to go.)
such a lucky find, i love it when it happens to me, but its nice when it happens to someone i like too!!! congratulations on losing 20 lbs, that is really fab!
hmm well i love the blue ridge mtns. it reminds me of my favorite singer, john denver. i love his songs and they always make me feel so safe. i would love to make a bag and put that patch smack on the outside front!!
but i also love the carmel by the sea. i have always wanted to go there, but it has never happened, YET. that would be my dream vacation, and i guess i could take the hubby, hehe. i think that one might go on my inspiration board for a bit, then onto a bag....thanks for doing this, its so much fun!
I've got three - the Mount Vernon, VA - because my BFF and I had that included in a trip to DC out senior year and Jim and I got thrown out of the CIA building for sitting in the statue's lap in the lobby. A great trip.
Then the cypress gardens and wisconsin dells - i was a competitive water skiier and those two are the birthplaces of water ski shows as recognized by my age group.
Ryalin said:
Big Sis,
I love the Lake Havasu one. Mostly because that archway is totally cool and transplated from London. Can you believe that, they moved it piece by piece. Also, that's where our time share is, so we like Havasu!
PS, I can't ever get it to recognize me when I try to log in. That's why I always post as anonymous.
looks like think trees is so spoken for ;) I like the Carmel by the sea...why? do you really need to ask? lol CA, storybook homes, the beach ;)
cool find! hey nikki and i might go to the rec center (taylor ranch) nevery tuesday eve... you should come with!
First, congrats on the 20 pounds!
Second, wow! What a find. I've been to a lot of those places so, it's hard to choose a favorite. Hubby and I had an interesting trip to Bryce Canyon many years ago. Being from Southern California, we had no idea it would be -10* at Brian Head and snowing in Bryce on the 1st of April! Luckily we were staying at Ruby's Inn and the General Store stocks winter jackets. And since we couldn't do much hiking, we filled the sink with ice, a jug of milk and a bottle of Kahlua! :)
I also like the Mt. Hood patch because it reminds me of visiting my Dad in Oregon. On a clear day, you can see all the way to Mt. Hood from his kitchen window.
Again, 20 pounds. That's awesome! You lost it, and I found it. :)
Okay- I love the Galveston patch. First it reminds me of my first big storm (Hurricane Alicia). Which tore apart our nearest beach of Galveston and our favorite fishing pier at the Flagship Hotel. We were leveling our house in Houston at the time, with jacks and what not, so the house was completely... okay, almost empty with gorgeous hardwoods that were always hidden behind stinky carpet. I remember roller skating everywhere. It was awesome. Then the storm hit and I was intrigued, fascinated, but scared. To this day, I love a good storm.
Second reason I love that patch is because when I grew a little older, I was somewhat of a little "trouble maker", and it reminds me of the many times I skipped school to drive 65 miles to our nearest and beloved beach. Great memories of tarred toes from our tar-beach.
PS. What an awesome (wow, how many times have I said awesome? Totally!) find on the patches! Hopefully one day I can share such a great find with people too.
My choice is the London patch. I love English things and can trace my family back to England in the early 12th century. I love England words for things, little children with English accents, and even have the British flag on my credit card. I still love the good ol' USA but am fascinated by England. What could be more perfect for my English collection than a London patch? With my fear of flying it is closest I will ever get!
Hi Raesha, I have 2 favs...the shakespeare one and London one because it brings back fond memories of visiting my daughter in the UK last year :))Cheers, Marian xx