First, from the lovely Miss Em - not one, but two packages in as many weeks. Miss Em sent me some awesome paper and a post it note pad. Then this week arrived an awesome "R" notebook and bookmark. Thank you!! Miss Em lives in Colorado Springs - about 6 hours from here so I'm thinking a get together should be in our future!
Then from the lovely Miss Kelli - a CAOK CD full of wonderful songs. I'm saving it to listen to on my drive to work tomorrow. I think if you click on the picture you should be able to read the play list. Thank you!! I love new music to listen too:):)
Miss S also had a wonderful surprise waiting for her - she and Mary Ann's daughter organized their own little swap and her package came while we were gone. She was so excited to open it that she could hardly stand it. I'll post pictures of all her goodies, but suffice it to say that the jump rope has been the hit of the party so far:)
Lastly, I subsribed to Adorn magazine and wouldn't you know that the first issue I received is one I've already bought - I HATE it when that happens. But lucky for you, the first one who would like it, gets it:) (It's the spring issue pictured below) Just leave a comment with your email address. If there is more than one person interested I'll have a little drawing for it tomorrow night. Have a fabulous rest of your Sunday!

I've never seen that mag before but it looks fun! I'd love it.
How great it was for you to have some fun mail to come home to!
Wow you ladies got some great packages! I love the CD Kelli sent you! That Paul Simon song is on of my favs!
gtikceSo glad you're back and that you had sucha great time. Thanks for the little present you sent me. I have the ATC's on display in my room.
I'm glad you made it home safely and that you got your packages ok. The second one must have crossed in the mail with the one I received from you! Thank you so much :)
Long ago, I had to travel to Albq on business and the thing I thought when I was there was that it was backwards to Colorado Springs because your "mountains" (Sandia Crest) was on the WRONG side! We have Pikes Peak on the West so I felt turned around when I was there :)
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