I have been so busy with work this last week that I hardly have had time to do anything else! I have a trial next week so I will be busy again...I have a fuor day weekend with Miss S so I am really going to take advantage of that time to finish up a few swaps, clean house, sew, and play with Miss S. Today she and I are going to the aquarium, then out to lunch, then to the Goodwill clearance center. Later today I am going to the "Devil Wears Prada" with my buddy....I am dying to see that movie and it is finally at the dollar theatre. Here's some pics of what we've been up to lately here...

ok - here we go! The coasters I won from this
Next is the fabric I stamped for
Moki's hand stamped fabric swap - these have been mailed to my three partners along with a pouch I made using Moki's tutorial and some personalized notecards I made on my computer for each person.

My fall tags for the Fall Tag Swap I participated in through Paper Crafts Magazine - these have also been mailed. I was REALLY pleased at how these turned out:)

We decorated the house for fall last weekend and Miss S decroated the porch with a bunch of little pumpkins we bought. Here she is showing off her handiwork

One of the "R" initials I received from Moki's inital swap - I LOVE IT!!!! I took this one to work and hung it up above my computer so I can look at it all day:)

The purple and yellow swap I received - I LOVE the scarf! It is knit in eyelash yarn and wool and it is so cool. I can't wait to wear it when the weather gets a little colder

My hot chocolate and a book swap - YUM! The chocolates were devoured by Miss S pretty much as soon as I put them out:)

My second "R" inital - again, beautiful and perfect! This one I hung above my sewing table.

Lastly, for now:), I made Miss S this Little Mermaid costume for Halloween - she was invited to a Princess Birthday Party last week and wore it to the party. I had not planned on making it so quickly so the back of the top wasn't even finished - I just put a safety pin in it to hold it together and off she went to the party! The hostess said she asked Miss S if I made it, to which Miss S replied "Yes, my mom can make anything":):):)