Fitting along with my one little word for 2012 (REDUCE) - I promised myself to buy more stuff second hand. It's cheaper, it's better on the earth and it's great to be unique and not look like everyone else in town. While this outfit is not all that unique - it's a perfect work outfit. I'm lucky to be able to dress business casual almost every day in the office and to have casual Fridays. This picture is h.o.r.r.i.b.l.e. but you get it - I need to give Miss S a little photography 101 class. I'm wearing a combination of pieces from Savers and Goodwill - I bet I paid no more than $20 for this entire outfit.
Here's a little breakdown -
Sweater - Merona (Target) - retail about $14.99 - I paid $1.99
Shirt - Sonoma (Kohl's) - retail about $15.99 - I paid $3.99
Pants - Worthington (JC Penney's) - retail about $29.99 - I paid $3.00 (half price day!) (these are actually a brown heatherish color)
Shoes - b.o.c. (Born) - retail about $59.99 - I paid $7.99
Necklace - Merona (Target) - retail about $12.99 - I paid $1.99
I love being casual, chic, cute and cost conscious:)