I was so excited to be a winner too in the OWOH giveaway! I won this beautiful necklace from
Jan - it arrived on Friday and I wore it to church today. Isn't it cool? And the colors are so perfect - they match almost my entire wardrobe:)

Here's what was on the to-do list for this weekend:
-work on swaps
-make birthday cards
-plan some meals for this week
-work on activy for Cub Scouts this week
-clean my desk
-work on taxes
Here's what got done on the to-do list:
-3 loads of laundry.
Instead I spent the weekend hanging out with these two handsome lads. Two of my awesome brothers. Chad and Shay. Chad came for a quick weekend visit from California and it was so cool to be able to hang out with him. He's the youngest in the family and definitely the clown of the family. He's an aspiring actor and I'm hoping he moves to LA soon to really try to get something going. Shay lives here and I usually see him every other week or so, but it was awesome to hang out for almost two full days with him. He's an actor too, and a marvelous singer, but hasn't done much of either since his family moved to NM. Shay even tried out for American Idol a few years ago. I love to listen to him sing.

Miss S and Uncle Chad. She barely let him out of her sight the whole weekend.

One-half of Ray and Marsha's kids - Chad, Raesha and Shay.

Hubby has the flu, which sucks. Really bad. He is not a good patient and I am not a good nurse maid. He'll probably spend all of tomorrow in bed while I work all day. Yep, the law office is not closed tomorrow:( I probably won't be posting at all the rest of the week. It's another busy one and I'll be spending my evenings working on chores that did not get done this weekend.