Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Rain, Shirts and Puppies, oh MY!
Last Thursday night we had one heck of a rainstorm in town RIGHT when I was driving home from work. I almost had to pull over and wait it out cause it was raining so hard I could hardly see. These pictures are from the arroyo by our house about 1/2 hour after the storm ended. I could not believe how much water was rushing by....about half the neighborhood came out to watch it too. This is normally a dry creek bed...it really was amazing to see this.

Sunday after church I sewed all afternoon and made two shirts for me and a skirt for Miss S. Here's one of the shirts I made - it's from Simplicity 3893 (the Kaliyah Ali collection) and I love it. Quick and easy and nice enough to meet with clients in. I wore it to work on Monday...I was glad I dressed up a little cause we had a potential client come in and all the attorneys were unavailable (the attorney she was supposed to meet with got delayed in court) so as the senior paralegal, I had to meet with her for her initial consultation. Nothing like putting me on the spot:) The other shirt I made is another Built by Wendi short sleeve top...I'll probably wear it tomorrow:) Our 19 year old courier just got a sewing machine for her birthday and she is so excited to learn to show. I told her she can come over anytime and sew with me.
Miss S played princess with Bree tonight after dinner...she is such a good sport:) Oh and she lost her second loose tooth Sunday after church. She wiggled and wiggled at it until it came out...which I don't think it was quite as ready as the first one as this one bled quite a bit.
And lastly, Miss S made us this very appropriate sign to hang in the front room. I guess this is her subtle reminder to me to pick up a little more:)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Weekend Update
This is actually one of my finds from last weekend - I love the floral design on this vintage pyrex. I already have a little bowl in this same pattern. I thought the price on this butter dish said $2.00 but imagine my surprise when I realized it said $.20!! (I was going to get it even if it was $2.00) .
And I have been craftly lately..whipping up some beautiful little gifties for Moki's surprise baby shower on Thursday night. I crocheted her a little pair of booties and a hat - the flower can be attached if the baby is a girl:) I love the history of this yarn...Moki's sister gave it to me, via Moki's mom, and probably via Moki's grandma:):)

And I made her a little paperbag baby album....
Inside is a layout for each month of baby's first year. She can add pictures, or just stories and journaling and keepsakes.
Miss S pulled out her loose tooth while I was out at Moki's shower. I woke her up when I got home so we could put it under her pillow together. She had said she hoped that the tooth fairy brought her a dollar so she was so excited to see a crisp new bill under her pillow in the morning. The one next to it is loose now too!
And I have FINALLY opened up my etsy shop....I registered for it several months ago but never got around to listing stuff. For now I'm going to be listing a bunch of my vintage patterns and other vintage finds. I hope to eventually add some items that I've made.
I've love it if you visited me at www.mylove.etsy.com
And I made her a little paperbag baby album....
I've love it if you visited me at www.mylove.etsy.com
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tag, You're IT!
I love all the wonderful "tagging" going on in blog land. Fiona and Lauren tagged me for 8 random facts, which I am still working on and hope to post this week (finally!!) And Mary Ann nominated me for a "Nice Matters Award" which has me completely verklempt....And Mary Ann (yep, my two sweet "Mary Anns" as I like to call them) tagged me for this little gem:
Here are the rules: 1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts. 2. Players, must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don't have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. 3. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
My middle name is Diane, which is also my momma's middle name...I love that we share it:)
D- Dogs - I love them:):) I always wanted one growing up but my mom is afraid of dogs so we never had one(we had cats, which I love too:) but now Miss S is allergic so I'm afraid it will be a while before we can get a cat) - back to dogs....my favorite breeds are pugs, boxers, boston terriers, brussels griffon, french bulldogs, bouvier de flanders, and greyhounds, but this list is ever expanding...I love to watch the Westminster dog show and learn about the different breeds and dream about which breed we will get next. We currently share our home with two goofball pugs, and the sweetest boxer you will ever meet.
I- Independent, fiercely so. A trait that has its good parts and its bad parts. I love that I have professional skills, homemaking skills, and the ability and resources to mostly do what I want whenever I want to. However, I am horrible at asking for help when I really do need it.
A-Anal...just slightly so though:) Everything has its place at home and at my office. However, I am a compulsive "pile" maker, but give me 5 minutes and I can usually find exactly what I am looking for.
N-Nice. I like to think that I am a nice person. I have great respect and regard for the feelings of others. I know how great I feel when people are nice to me, and I try really hard to be nice to other people. I don't succeed as much as I like but I have noticed that as I get older, I am getting better at it. Hubby does still have to remind me to not be a bitch and to "settle down" - that's one of his favorite things to tell me.
E- Envious. I know, my dirty little secret. I am envious of the talents of others, of stay at home moms, of those that can travel, of the big houses some of my friends have, of crafters that always have awesome ideas....I know, this kind of contradicts my "independent" trait but it kept coming to my mind for "E".
So there you have it. I'm following Mary Ann's and Vallen's lead and "tagging" #5 through #10 on "My Favorite Reads" list. Stay tuned as I award my own "Nice Matters Awards" and continue working on my 8 Random Things list.
Here are the rules: 1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts. 2. Players, must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don't have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. 3. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
My middle name is Diane, which is also my momma's middle name...I love that we share it:)
D- Dogs - I love them:):) I always wanted one growing up but my mom is afraid of dogs so we never had one(we had cats, which I love too:) but now Miss S is allergic so I'm afraid it will be a while before we can get a cat) - back to dogs....my favorite breeds are pugs, boxers, boston terriers, brussels griffon, french bulldogs, bouvier de flanders, and greyhounds, but this list is ever expanding...I love to watch the Westminster dog show and learn about the different breeds and dream about which breed we will get next. We currently share our home with two goofball pugs, and the sweetest boxer you will ever meet.
I- Independent, fiercely so. A trait that has its good parts and its bad parts. I love that I have professional skills, homemaking skills, and the ability and resources to mostly do what I want whenever I want to. However, I am horrible at asking for help when I really do need it.
A-Anal...just slightly so though:) Everything has its place at home and at my office. However, I am a compulsive "pile" maker, but give me 5 minutes and I can usually find exactly what I am looking for.
N-Nice. I like to think that I am a nice person. I have great respect and regard for the feelings of others. I know how great I feel when people are nice to me, and I try really hard to be nice to other people. I don't succeed as much as I like but I have noticed that as I get older, I am getting better at it. Hubby does still have to remind me to not be a bitch and to "settle down" - that's one of his favorite things to tell me.
E- Envious. I know, my dirty little secret. I am envious of the talents of others, of stay at home moms, of those that can travel, of the big houses some of my friends have, of crafters that always have awesome ideas....I know, this kind of contradicts my "independent" trait but it kept coming to my mind for "E".
So there you have it. I'm following Mary Ann's and Vallen's lead and "tagging" #5 through #10 on "My Favorite Reads" list. Stay tuned as I award my own "Nice Matters Awards" and continue working on my 8 Random Things list.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
First Grade!!
My baby started first grade this last week and I didn't even post about it!! BUT I did take pictures:)
Here's a couple shots from our walk to the bus stop....
Sporting her new High School Musical backpack...
Showing off the outfit she picked out:)...
and her new little bob haircut courtesy of my sweet sister in law:)...
We got to the bus stop nice and early where we waited, and waited, and waited....finally 5 minutes before school started one of the other moms loaded all the kids into her minvan and took them to school. The bus NEVER came that morning!! Who knows that happened - the bus company said they were not aware of any problems - it was the same driver and the same route as last year. And we've had no problems since then. Miss S's teacher seems really nice and Miss S was so excited to have a couple friends from Campfire and from her Kindergarten class and from church in her class this year.
Even though it got off to a weird start, I think it's going to be a great year!!
Here's a couple shots from our walk to the bus stop....
Sporting her new High School Musical backpack...
Even though it got off to a weird start, I think it's going to be a great year!!
14 Hearts
Monday, August 20, 2007
We Have Winners!!!
I was so thrilled to receive 30 comments for my Target bag giveaway that I decided to give away TWO more!!
So our FIVE delightful winners are:
(really you ALL are delightful and I wish I had enough bags to send you all one)
Congratulations ladies - I'm excited that two of you are Canadians and can spread the Target love in Canada too!! I won't have a chance to get these mailed out for a few days...I think I already have all of your addresses too:):)
And on to other unrelated news....the one and only Wil Wheaton (adorable Wesley Crusher) just left a comment on my brother's blog!! For my little Trekkie family that is SO cool!
Finally, here's a layout that I created last night for Lain's challenge to scrap a picture that has just been hanging around waiting to be scrapped:)
So our FIVE delightful winners are:
(really you ALL are delightful and I wish I had enough bags to send you all one)
Congratulations ladies - I'm excited that two of you are Canadians and can spread the Target love in Canada too!! I won't have a chance to get these mailed out for a few days...I think I already have all of your addresses too:):)
And on to other unrelated news....the one and only Wil Wheaton (adorable Wesley Crusher) just left a comment on my brother's blog!! For my little Trekkie family that is SO cool!
Finally, here's a layout that I created last night for Lain's challenge to scrap a picture that has just been hanging around waiting to be scrapped:)
Fun Stuff
Our weekend was packed full of fun stuff...hence the reason I passed out last night instead of posting the Target bag winners:) I'll announce them tonight after I get home from work so if you still haven't left a comment you have through today at about 6:00 p.m.
I'll leave you with this...quick shot of one of the activities we did this weekend:)
I'll leave you with this...quick shot of one of the activities we did this weekend:)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Happy Happy Joy Joy
My brother is coming HOME!!!! I could not say it better than he does...
"I was just informed I will be on the first flight out of here. My fly-home date is September 24th. I will be home in 37 days. If it were socially acceptable for an adult to shit his pants in excitement, I would do that now."
I'd write more but I can't type through my tears of happines.....
"I was just informed I will be on the first flight out of here. My fly-home date is September 24th. I will be home in 37 days. If it were socially acceptable for an adult to shit his pants in excitement, I would do that now."
I'd write more but I can't type through my tears of happines.....
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I *heart* Target
I've loved Target for as long as I can remember....I even remember when the Target opened in my little hometown in WA when I was a senior in high school. This love has grown and grown, especially since that's where my sweet hubby works! He's worked for Target for 17 years...they are a great company and great to their staff too.
You should check out this awesome blog if you love Target too:)
And look what I ordered a few weeks ago:):) Reusable Target shopping bags....aren't they awesome?!?!?!?! They just arrived yesterday and I am thrilled to death with them. I took them grocery shopping today and I love their roominess and sturdiness.
SO I bought a few extras that I would like to give away:) I have three to give away so leave a comment if you would like tobe in the drawing for one and Sunday (8/19) I'll draw three winners. Good luck!!! And if want to buy your own and proudly proclaim your love of Target with me - go HERE:)
You should check out this awesome blog if you love Target too:)
And look what I ordered a few weeks ago:):) Reusable Target shopping bags....aren't they awesome?!?!?!?! They just arrived yesterday and I am thrilled to death with them. I took them grocery shopping today and I love their roominess and sturdiness.
Monday, August 13, 2007
A Rambling Post
Miss S just told me I am typing so fast that it is making her tummy hurt:):) She starts 1st grade in 2 days!!! And she just discovered her first loose tooth yesterday during church....actually she freaked out when she found it and came running, with tears streaming down her face, in to Sunday School to show me. She finally calmed down and remembered that it was OK:)
I've been happily crafting baby gifts the past few days...hopefully I'll get to show them to you soon:):) Thank you to you all for the layout love on the last post:) I am hopelessly behind on responding to my comments...but I think it will make you happy to learn that not only do I read them, but I save every one of them in a special email folder I have. At last count I had over 1000 emails in the folder and I like to go back and reread them occassionally. HOLY moley...I just went and looked and I have 1874 emails saved in that folder!!
On the Dr. Pepper front....5 days and counting...and I am craving it! Not really the caffeine, but the yummy carbonated taste. But I'm renewing my love for lemonade which really hits the spot on the hot humid days that we are having lately.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Progress and Challenge
I'm on my third day sans Dr. Pepper and it's goin good!! I've been in bed before 9:30 the last three nights and I'm not sure if it's the lack of caffeine or the darn humidity that is making me so sleepy.
Last night I was able to finish my atcs for this month's trade which starts in about 1/2 hour:) and I finished my layout for Challenge #2 on my new favorite challenge site. Here it is:

The challenge was to create a layout inspired by an ad that the designers posted for us. I changed it up quite a bit but am really pleased. I wanted to use purple paper as the base to play up the purple in Miss S's dress. What do you think???
Last night I was able to finish my atcs for this month's trade which starts in about 1/2 hour:) and I finished my layout for Challenge #2 on my new favorite challenge site. Here it is:

The challenge was to create a layout inspired by an ad that the designers posted for us. I changed it up quite a bit but am really pleased. I wanted to use purple paper as the base to play up the purple in Miss S's dress. What do you think???
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I am trying to kick my Dr. Pepper habit....it's been almost two days since my last one:):) Not having that jolt of caffeine really kicks my butt though...last night I went to bed at 9:15 and tonight I think I'll be hitting the sack before 9. We have 1st grade registration for Miss S in the morning and I am looking forward to sleeping in until 7 and then getting to work late:):) We are remodeling our office at work and it has been crazy the last few days. My temporary desk space is just slightly larger than a tv tray...we should have about 8 more days of the remodel and then we get to move back into our regular spaces. I will have a new cubicle area (downsized a little bit from my previous office) but that's okay...I'm looking forward to setting up a new space.
I've been doing a fair amount of scrapbooking the last few weeks...here are a couple of the latest layouts that I've worked on. If you would like to read the journaling, just click on the pic and you should be able to read it.
I am floundering in a sea of "stuff" and it feels good to make a small dent in my paper, embellishment and sticker stash.
That's my sista, Rye Bread, and her sweet family - just missing is her littlest who will be three in September! Of course, Miss S had to squirm her way into the family picture too.
And some fun layouts from when my beaner, Tammy, and Caryn, came for a quick visit this spring.

Good night!
I've been doing a fair amount of scrapbooking the last few weeks...here are a couple of the latest layouts that I've worked on. If you would like to read the journaling, just click on the pic and you should be able to read it.
I am floundering in a sea of "stuff" and it feels good to make a small dent in my paper, embellishment and sticker stash.
And some fun layouts from when my beaner, Tammy, and Caryn, came for a quick visit this spring.
Good night!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
**EDIT: LUCKILY I did not take this picture (it's courtesy of some nature website I found:):) I haven't actually seen the little bugger haunting the neighborhood, just been lucky enough to smell him:)**
Yes, we have a lovely little Flower of our own that has been roaming the neighborhood...or is at least close enough that we can smell him several nights a week. Yuk!
Miss S and I finished up her school shopping today...needed just a few supplies and a few new items of clothing for her. I have a few items that I want to make her for school so I better get on the ball. I've gotten as far as prewashing the fabric and that is it. She also chose a High School Musical backpack (from Target) that says "I love Troy" on the front:):)
I stopped at Michael's really quickly tonight to get some more heavy duty glue dots and I scored a whole pack of the new Martha Stewart Crafts cardstock - 12 sheets of 4 different designs for $2.00!! Very cool.
I'm heading to bed...my tummy is a little upset....
Miss S and I finished up her school shopping today...needed just a few supplies and a few new items of clothing for her. I have a few items that I want to make her for school so I better get on the ball. I've gotten as far as prewashing the fabric and that is it. She also chose a High School Musical backpack (from Target) that says "I love Troy" on the front:):)
I stopped at Michael's really quickly tonight to get some more heavy duty glue dots and I scored a whole pack of the new Martha Stewart Crafts cardstock - 12 sheets of 4 different designs for $2.00!! Very cool.
I'm heading to bed...my tummy is a little upset....
Thursday, August 02, 2007
OK, Balls....
finally, here are pics from our quick little three day trip to Durango. (Remind me that I still need to tell you why my little sister's nickname is Balls:))
This is the Animas River that runs right through town.

On Monday Hubby stayed at the campsite playing WOW on his laptop while Miss S and I went shopping:) Miss S really wanted her new little purse to be in her photo - we bought it on Saturday at a garage sale for .25.

The Strater Hotel on Main Street. I love how this picture turned out!!

The front of our cabin. Seriously folks, I LOVE camping, and I love camping in tents, but there is nothing that beats a charming little cabin like this. Inside is a double bed and a bunk bed, a little desk, and a night stand...all made from logs. And it's air conditioned:) We belong to the KOA Kampers Klub so it was only $45 a night. And at the campground there are showers, a swimming pool, game room, miniature golf, ice cream and a movie every night and various planned kid's activities...and so much more! We made breakfast both mornings at the cabin - one morning was scrambled eggs and sausage and the next morning was oatmeal and fruit. YUM!
Moki hooked us up with recommendations for several restaurants and stores and we hit almost every one:) My favorites were the yarn store, aptly named Yarn, and the Humane Society Thrift Store. It was right next to the Humane Society and Hubby actually said...wow you can adopt animals at the thrift store? What a goofball!
And a finally parting shot as we were headed out of town. Durango is nestled into a little valley so you get occassional shots as you are heading up the moutain and out of town. It's quite breathtaking. KOA takes reservations a year in advance so I told Hubby we are making our reservations immediately for next summer! I want to spend a whole week either in Durango again, maybe Flagstaff, maybe Colorado Springs, maybe Moab....
Take a peak here....the layout I made for "All About Me" is one of the featured ones on the challenge blog:):) I'm thrilled about that:) I can't wait to get to work on the next challenge.
This is the Animas River that runs right through town.
On Monday Hubby stayed at the campsite playing WOW on his laptop while Miss S and I went shopping:) Miss S really wanted her new little purse to be in her photo - we bought it on Saturday at a garage sale for .25.
The Strater Hotel on Main Street. I love how this picture turned out!!
The front of our cabin. Seriously folks, I LOVE camping, and I love camping in tents, but there is nothing that beats a charming little cabin like this. Inside is a double bed and a bunk bed, a little desk, and a night stand...all made from logs. And it's air conditioned:) We belong to the KOA Kampers Klub so it was only $45 a night. And at the campground there are showers, a swimming pool, game room, miniature golf, ice cream and a movie every night and various planned kid's activities...and so much more! We made breakfast both mornings at the cabin - one morning was scrambled eggs and sausage and the next morning was oatmeal and fruit. YUM!
And a finally parting shot as we were headed out of town. Durango is nestled into a little valley so you get occassional shots as you are heading up the moutain and out of town. It's quite breathtaking. KOA takes reservations a year in advance so I told Hubby we are making our reservations immediately for next summer! I want to spend a whole week either in Durango again, maybe Flagstaff, maybe Colorado Springs, maybe Moab....
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